October 12, 2015

"Just 158 families have provided nearly half of the early money for efforts to capture the White House"

If you haven't already, go right now and read The New York Times article on who is funding the 2016 presidential race. Here's a tease:
 The Chicago hedge fund billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin, for example, earns about $68.5 million a month after taxes, according to court filings made by his wife in their divorce. He has given a total of $300,000 to groups backing Republican presidential candidates. That is a huge sum on its face, yet is the equivalent of only $21.17 for a typical American household, according to Congressional Budget Office data on after-tax income.
I missed it the first time. That's "$68.5 million a month after taxes." So, yeah, for him, $300,000 is pretty much chump change and will always trump your $10 to Bernie Sanders.

1 comment:

  1. "Thanks again, Supremes!"
    Surprising those who complain about the 5-4 decisions of Heller, Citizens United and Gonzales v. Carhart that they view as illegitimate, tell those who object to 5-4 decision of Obergefell v. Hodges to STFU.
