February 10, 2016

A Follow-Up On Yesterday's Torture Blog Post (John McCain on Torture)

From The Huffingtonpost:

It doesn't work.  It's dishonorable.  It's illegal.  How difficult is it to follow the logic?

I may have some yuuge disagreements with the Arizona senator's politics, but here he's abso-frickin-lutely right (and I suspect in your heart you know that, too).

Here's his statement, as posted on his website:
Given the loose talk on the campaign trail about reviving waterboarding and other inhumane interrogation techniques, it is important to remember the facts: that these forms of torture not only failed their purpose to secure actionable intelligence to prevent further attacks on the U.S. and our allies, but compromised our values, stained our national honor, and did little practical good. It is also important to remember that our nation has tried, convicted, and executed foreign combatants who employed methods of torture, including waterboarding, against American prisoners of war. As I have said before, our nation should never have employed such practices in the past, and we should never permit them in the future.

There is broad, bipartisan agreement on this fundamental question. Last year, the United States Senate passed in an overwhelming vote of 91-3 the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, legislation that took a historic step forward to ban torture once and for all by limiting U.S. Government interrogation techniques to those in the Army Field Manual. The Manual embodies the values Americans have embraced for generations – preserving the ability of our interrogators to extract critical intelligence from our adversaries while recognizing that torture and cruel treatment are ineffective interrogation methods. Some of the nation’s most respected leaders from the U.S. military, CIA, FBI, as well as faith communities and human rights organizations, have expressed their support for this legislation.

As Americans of conscience we must remember that in the war on terrorism, we are fighting not only to defend our security, but for an idea that all men are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights. How much safer the world would be if all nations believed the same. How much more dangerous it can become when we forget it ourselves even momentarily, as we learned in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib. Our nation needs a Commander-in-Chief who will make clear to those that fight on our behalf that they are defending this sacred ideal, and that sacrificing our respect for human dignity will make it harder, not easier, to prevail in this war.
It's been banned for a whole lot longer than last year, by the way.

For so many of the GOP candidates to be in favor (or, at the very least not quite disapproving) of torture is a frightening state of affairs for that large chunk of the American electorate.


  1. “Get out of here, you low-life scum,”
    Kissinger, McCain, And Code Pink

  2. How does the instrument cooperate the petite blow?

  3. Here is another thing that Davyoe will condemn Mccain for.
    McCain: Women Being Forced To Sign Up For Draft Is Completely Logical

    I agree with Mccain in that.
