August 4, 2017

Before It's Too Late - Some Great American Culture

Reports are in that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been busy:
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III began using a grand jury in federal court in Washington several weeks ago as part of his investigation of possible coordination between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, according to two people familiar with the inquiry.

The development is a sign that investigators continue to aggressively gather evidence in the case, and that Mueller is taking full control of a probe that predated him.

In recent weeks and months, Mueller has been expanding the legal team working on the matter, and recently added Greg Andres, a longtime white-collar lawyer specializing in foreign bribery who previously worked in the Justice Department’s criminal division.

Mueller’s investigation now includes a look at whether President Trump obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James B. Comey, as well as deep dives into financial and other dealings of former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
And he may be getting (if he needs it) some Congressional cover:
Two bipartisan pairs of senators unveiled legislation Thursday to prevent President Trump from firing special counsel Robert S. Mueller III without cause — or at least a reason good enough to convince a panel of federal judges.

Senators have raised concerns that the president might try to rearrange his administration to get rid of Mueller, who is spearheading a probe of Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election and any possible collusion between the Kremlin and members of the Trump campaign and transition teams.
Let's just hope he doesn't need that cover and that the rule of law will prevail.

Let's just hope it's not all crashing down around us in slow motion.

Let's try to remember some good parts about the America-That-Was.  And for that, we'll celebrate a birthday today - Louis Armstrong, American musician, born today (yes today) in 1900:

And here he is a few decades later:

Oh, yea. And Barack Obama was born today, too (in 1961 - in Hawaii).

Do you remember when presidents were, uh, presidential?

When they weren't such an insult to decency and honesty? When they weren't under investigation for selling the country out to the Russians? When they weren't a threat to the rule of law and democracy itself?

Yea, good times.


  1. Obama is older than me, by about a month and a half.

    I take some comfort in the idea that if Trump did have to justify firing Mueller to a panel of judges, his statement would be so incoherent they would refuse to consider it.

  2. Judges and legislators have zip authority beyond declaring (judges) a president's action unconstitutional or legislative impeachment and conviction. Otherwise wait and elect someone else in 2020. Trump can fire Mueller..through AG ....all he can get is media heat. The idea judges can review the firing has no legs...firing is not covered in the constitution ....the president is the executive in cks and balanced tripartite government hominem attacks don't fly for DPNK missiles or a an eclipse
