September 25, 2017

Trump's Latest Attempt to MAGA!

"Well, not ALL of them," I'm sure Trump would say. "The good ones can keep their jobs," he'd almost as surely add.

 Donald J Trump in 2011:
I've always had a great relationship with the blacks.
This is the current occupant of the White House.

Meanwhile, on Puerto Rico (where about 3.5 million Americans live):
Without power and communications in much of the island, millions of people, including city leaders and first responders, have been cut off from the world since Maria hit Wednesday.

Authorities flew over the island Saturday, and were stunned by what they saw. No cellphones, water or power. Roads completely washed away and others blocked by debris, isolating residents.
For Trump, tweeting about the NFL instead is so much more MAGA!


  1. Obama and FEMA Leave Americans to Die in Kentucky

  2. OS, since there's always two sides to every story, I see your blog and raise you a blog.

    But none of this means anything to the people in PR right now, does it?

  3. "KY Governor: Obama people 'hit the ground running' on storm..." Steve Beshear, "a Democrat"

    "Seeing a lot of this on Twitter, but FEMA is in action, and local officials are praising the Trump admin response."
    @donmoyn 3.5M American citizens in Puerto Rico need a functioning President. Instead, they get this
