A Trump adviser says that after a tumultuous seven months in office, it had finally dawned on the president: "People really f@&@ing hate me." For someone who has spent his life lapping up adulation, however fake, it was a harsh realization. This is a man with an especially acute need for affirmation.Yes, that's true. People fucking hate you, Donald Trump. Lots of them.
We're just hoping to get out this alive.
If it weren't for NCY, LA, SF, and Chicago (4 metro areas responsible for more than 60% of the democratic congressional delegation), I'm not sure Hillar would have carried more than 5% of the 15% of U.S. counties she actually did. Clearly, and despite staunch support from mainstream media outlets, mainstream Americans were willing to roll the dice on anyone else. The only thing I can't argue with (in your post) is that he's been in office for about 8 months. I think I'll continue to see what happens, as it is apparent given all the recent staff firings that Donald is not a Republican or Democrat...