December 7, 2017

More On Daryl Metcalfe (Part II)

I gotta, I just gotta.

So how far has State Rep Daryl Metcalfe's "I'm definitely not gay" rant gone?

This far:
Luckily, Penn Live has followed up with interviews of each.

First, Metcalfe (who's hinting at some sort of legal recourse, I think). It's interesting that he's profoundly in favor of a person's right not to be touched, a defense of their personal sovereignty. Funny, then, that he's still such a big fan of the pussy-grabber in the Oval Office. Huh.

Second, Matt Bradford, (who's trying his best to be cordial and civil in the face of an uncordial and uncivil man). How difficult must it be to try to deal with a nut job who, as he says, can go off the rails at any moment?

Note to Rep. Bradford: DEFCON 5 is the lowest state of readiness. You probably meant DEFCON 1.


  1. Democrats are starting the impeachment of Donald Trump.

  2. Now you must publicly applause gay marriage and if you publicly turn down a sexual advance from a LGBTQPXYZ+ person, it is a big story and you should be forced to resign your job.
