April 18, 2018

April Is STILL "National Sexual Assault Awareness And Prevention Month"

Yep, that's what Donald J. Trump proclaimed.

One of the responses, recently was this:

From The Hill:
A social network company projected “There is a rapist in the White House” on the side of President Trump’s Washington, D.C., hotel on Monday night.

Care2, a company that describes itself as "the world's largest social network for good," went after the sexual misconduct allegations made against Trump in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Here's another:

From the statement issued by Care2:
Tonight during the third week of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Care2 is honoring the survivors of Trump's predatory behavior by reminding everyone with this projection that there is a morally unfit rapist in the White House. And it's time to evict him once and for all.
Morally unfit. Accused rapist. Donald J. Trump.

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