April 6, 2018

Trump's Sexual Assault Awareness And Prevention Month. Day Five - Summer Zervos

Late last month, Donald Trump proclaimed April "National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month."

It seems that I'm not the only one thinking Trump's trumpeting of his "National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month" is anything but absurd.

From The Hill:
Former CIA Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash said on Thursday that President Trump should not try to raise awareness of sexual assault after Trump said women crossing the U.S.-Mexico border are facing rape.

"Just on this issue about rape or whatever point he was trying to make, maybe he was trying to raise awareness about sexual assault. He is about the last person on earth who is positioned morally to raise awareness about sexual assault," Bash told MSNBC.
Maybe not the last but he's certainly close.

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts detailing the sexual assault/harassment allegations against Donald J Trump.

From Rolling Stone:
Summer Zervos, a contestant on the fifth season of The Apprentice, came forward on Friday afternoon to accuse Republican nominee Donald Trump of kissing, groping and thrusting his genitals on her during a business meeting. She is the sixth accuser to come forward alleging sexual misconduct by Trump this week alone. At least four other women, including two former beauty pageant queens, one business associate and his ex-wife Ivana, have made accusations in the past.

Zervos, the first contestant fired from her season Trump's reality TV show, said she approached the businessman about a job at his company in 2007, after she appeared on the show. They met first in Trump Tower to discuss the opportunity, where she says he kissed her twice on the mouth and asked for her phone number. Weeks later, she says he arranged to meet with her at a hotel in Los Angeles, where Zervos says he kissed, groped and thrust his genitals on her.
This was October 14, 2016. By that evening, Trump was calling Zervos a liar. For example that night he said:
It’s not hard to find a small handful of people willing to make false smears for personal fame.
So Zervos sued him for defamation. From the complaint:
Ms. Zervos was ambushed by Mr. Trump on more than one occasion. Mr. Trump suddenly, and without her consent, kissed her on her mouth repeatedly; he touched her breast; and he pressed his genitals up against her. Ms. Zervos never consented to any of this disgusting touching. Instead, she repeatedly expressed that he should stop his inappropriate sexual behavior, including by shoving him away from her forcefully, and telling him to “get real.” Mr. Trump did not care, he kept touching her anyway.
As he said in his proclamation, "We must respond to sexual assault by identifying and holding perpetrators accountable."

Donald Trump, assaulter of Summer Zervos.

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