July 23, 2018

Do The Allegheny County Young Republicans Actually Know What A Joke Is?

From The Trib:
The chief of staff to Pittsburgh's mayor blasted the Young Republicans of Allegheny County for posting a photo of him on its Facebook page that purported to show him him supporting a social media movement that urges Democrats to "walk away" from the party.

The GOP group admitted the photo was fake news but left it on its Facebook page.
The Young Republicans admitted the picture was fake in a Facebook post that has since been removed. The post said they hoped it would inspire the #walkaway movement in Allegheny County. The placard Gilman is holding - #Walk Away - refers to a social media campaign urging Democrats to quit the Democratic Party.

"It is obviously photoshopped and #fakenews," the GOP post said.
Amazing to me that a group of republicans would admit to pushing fake news. Ah, well. They're young (it's in their name!) they'll learn what their elders do.

But here's the thing - no one pushes "fake news" thinking that it won't be believed - that's the whole point, isn't it? That you know it's fake but your target audience thinks it's actually real. 

Their first caption read:
Breaking news from CNN, Mayor Bill Peduto’s Chief of Staff Dan Gilman has joined the #walkaway campaign. #russianbots
How much you wanna bet that they were hoping no one would understand the significance of that last hashtag and believe the photo to be real?

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