November 7, 2018


Ok so now the Democrats have control of one of the houses of Congress.

That's a very good thing - perhaps we'll soon be on the road back to a fully functioning democracy, now that we'll have some real oversight.

Some things to oversight:
  • Trump's violation of The Emolument Clause of the Constitution
  • Trump's tax returns
Just a to name a few.

And here should be what's coming - as Jake Tapper said on CNN:
If [Trump] thinks that the media is annoying, wait till he meets a Democratic House that has subpoena power and actually has the legal ability to force them to turn over documents. We’re going to look like nothing compared to that.”
Maybe, we're headed back to some real oversight.


  1. Does the House pass the Assault weapons ban before or after they impeach Trump?
    Chairman Elijah Cummings will now release a report that the IGs were wrong about Fast and Furious Gun Walking and IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.

    Chairman Elijah Cummings will subpoena True the Vote for all their records.

  2. "Democratic House that has subpoena power and actually has the legal ability to force them to turn over documents. We’re going to look like nothing compared to that.” Maybe, we're headed back to some real oversight."
    Trump can stall the release of those documents just like Obama did with the Fast and Furious Gun Walking and IRS targeting of Tea Party groups documents.

    If Congress could overrule the tax return privacy laws by fiat, they would have all of the IRS documents for the IRS targeting of Tea party groups.
