August 15, 2020

Dear Sue, August 14, 2020

Dear Sue;

You know, I've never TRIED to make my own ice cream. You'll have to post some pictures of the peach ice cream, once it's made.  I've watched Alton Brown make his own, of course but I've never had the courage to do it myself.  In the summers during college I worked at a Friendly's in my hometown - scooping ice cream, flipping burgers, washing dishes. Everything but breakfast and counting the money.

There, I developed a profound love of Friendly's Chocolate Almond Chip ice cream. It was a light chocolate ice cream base with milk chocolate covered almonds mixed in. For something mass-produced, it was mega-tasty.

Someday, we'll talk the Fribbles with sprinkles.

From Antney's I got a scoop of the chocolate (their best flavor by far) and a scoop of the cookie dough.  The lovely wife got some of the burnt butter crumble. Each was, as always, excellent.

I'm not usually consciously aware of my own privilege, no. For me, it's like pondering the question, "What does the roof of my mouth taste like?" It's always there but unless I think about it...

I suppose that's as good a metaphor for privilege as any. "Privilege" means not having to think much about one's privilege, I guess.

What was my good friend Marty like at Antney's? This is Marty Griffin, we're talking here, right? Of KDKA? Marty and me, we go way back. He once read an entire blog post of mine on the air. That was as much of a hoot as when Wendy Bell said to her adorers, "Did you know that someone called me the angel of death this weekend?"

As I am working from home these days, I've taken to listening to him during the day. He's a confusing mix when he's dealing with local Covid-19 shutdowns. On the one hand, he's completely on the side of the attorneys protesting the state of affairs at the courthouse downtown. On the other, he's just as completely not on the side of teachers who are reluctant to go back into the classroom.

But this is Marty. Who said he needed to be consistent?



PS I actually HAVE had peach ice cream once or twice. I don't remember any skins, though.