October 29, 2020

Wendy Bell Was "Censored" For The Wrong Stuff

If you were to look for Wendy Bell's WEDNESDAY MONOLOGUE, you'd find this:

And if you were to click onto the "See Why" link you'd find this:

Wendy, as you can imagine, was pissed.

She viewed it as an unfair technicality. She asserted that she said doctors were paid to falsify death certificates and then said that the fact-check showed it was hospitals instead.

If I had the stomach for more Wendy bullshit, I'd dig into that.

On the other hand, should could just as easily have been fact-checked for this:

At about 7:20 in she dug into the Covid-19 mortality numbers:

Of the 220,000 people listed as Covid-19 deaths in The United States of America, as of last Friday, 88,208 had influenza and pneumonia. They had the flu and they had pneumonia. That's 43%, ladies and gentlemen. 43% of the 220,000. Furthermore, 26,000 and change had adult respiratory distress syndrome. 44,000 and change suffered from hypertension - stress. 23,275 had heart disease. 25,000, ladies and gentlemen, 25,000 died from a heart attack. 

And they're listed as a Covid death.

Did Covid-19 cause that heart attack?


It's that last word that condemns Wendy Bell to being (no matter what she says otherwise) a Covid danger denier.

And I thought we dealt with this 6 weeks or so ago.

This week, she's just regurgitating what she said back in early September:

Did you guys hear it? Shouted across the world yesterday that the CDC says that 94% of people who we think died of COVID did not die from COVID but died and happened to have it at the same time.

Fact-check took a look at this back then:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, clarified what the CDC data mean.

He noted that the 6% figure includes cases where COVID-19 was listed as the only cause of death. “That does not mean that someone who has hypertension or diabetes who dies of Covid didn’t die of Covid-19. They did,” Fauci said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“So the numbers you’ve been hearing — the 180,000-plus deaths — are real deaths from Covid-19. Let [there] not be any confusion about that,” Fauci said.

Don't you remember this, Wendy? It was even on Good Morning America.

You're misleading your audience about the danger of this virus while misleading them by saying that you're not.

Shame on you.