November 28, 2020

Wendy Bell's Conspiracy Theory (SPOILER: It's Wide And Deep And Batshit Crazy)

 On Thanksgiving Day, Radio Karen aired Wendy Bell's explanation to her audience the only plausible explanation (as she saw it) for Donald Trump's election loss - a vast and mighty multi-level corruption.

Yes, it's as batshit crazy and you can imagine.

No, wait. Strike that. It's even more batshit crazy than you can imagine.

But first, let me get a little something out of the way. At about 5:00 in, Wendysplains Rudy Giuliani at Gettysburg this week:

Think about the significance of Gettysburg. Where 157 years ago - what, just last week - pivotal things were happening in this fledgling country. Where people wanted to push the expansion of slavery west and and others said, "No, we ought not own people. We are free people we are one people." And brothers fought against brothers, neighbors against neighbors in the bloodiest three days of the Civil War in what ultimately would be the turning point of the war.

Hang on, is Wendy saying that The Battle of Gettysburg was 157 years ago last week? It certainly looks like the more-factualier-than-thou Wendy Bell is saying exactly that.

Too bad The Battle of Gettysburg took place in early July of 1863 - about 4 and a half months before November of 1863. What took place 157 years ago,"just last week" was The Gettysburg Address.

How did you miss this one, Wendy? Your credibility as someone who gets her facts right has just taken a bit of a hit, right?

But let's move on to Wendy's vast batshit conspiracy. At 9:54 in on the video, she says: 

The media, not only the democrats in the elected political party in office but all of you with Biden Harris yard signs you are complicit in what must be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on American soil and that is the thieving of the 2020 general election.

See that? Everyone who voted for Biden is complicit in the fraud! How short a step would it be from this to "Toss all the votes from those who are complicit!"

At 11:57 in Wendy sets a time frame for the conspiracy:

This has been a deliberate planned fraud. The effort to overtake the 2020 election and to secure Joe Biden's victory was not something that was hatched on November 2nd. It wasn't something that was born of Covid. Covid was a very convenient manipulating factor but this is something that has been in the works for years - I dare say decades - and it is the brazen boldness of the left - of the democrat, socialist, Marxist, communist left. [Emphasis added.]

Decades! This "planned fraud" has been in the works for decades, says Wendy. For decades!

And so how big is this conspiracy?

At 13:00, Wendy illuminates the deep darkness for us:

The primary tool of this fraud was one singular thing and that was the push for mail-in ballots. That was the way they could control how far behind Joe Biden was going to be and control how he would swing back. Of course there are many mechanisms of that, You need to have a lot of players, ladies and gentlemen. You need to have law enforcement. You need to have court officials. You need to have elections officials. You need to have legislators. You need to have a very vast network of collusion in order to pull off perhaps the greatest stunt in American history.

Huh. So this is who's also in on the conspiracy, according to Wendy:

  • Law enforcement
  • Court officials
  • Elections officials
  • Legislators

Wow. All those folks in on this decades-old conspiracy to win Pennsylvania for Joe Biden in 2020. Wendy, you indeed have a dizzying intellect.

And how high does this conspiracy go?

At 13:43 Wendy says:

So the mail-in ballots and this is where Pennsylvania, the land before time, is the greatest example of corruption we are the armpit of American corruption. And you can thank none other than our Supreme Court here in this Commonwealth. Five democrats two Republicans. 

This is what they did to grease the skids of the 2020 general election; They set the table for the scheme which was executed by our Secretary of State none other than the wholly corrupt Kathleen Boockvar. 

Number one. They redrew the legislative districts in this Commonwealth - which is not legal or lawful to do - redrew the districts. 

Number two. They rewrote the law and pushed something called Act 77 to push mail-in ballots without an excuse. It used to be that if you needed an absentee ballot or you needed to vote by mail you had to provide a legitimate reason. Act 77 waived that and said, “Nope this is the way we're doing it this is the way it's going to be.” That's unlawful period. 

And finally they established drop boxes for ballots and these drop boxes, ladies and gentlemen, were highly concentrated in Democrat districts, Philadelphia Pittsburgh and not in Republican districts. Furthermore these ballot drop boxes were never monitored so people who are only by law allowed to deposit their ballot were seen delivering 20 30 40 or more. That is the beginning of ballot stuffing.

Thanks, Wendy! Now we can unweave the roots of the conspiracy!

Let's start with the gerrymandering. In 2017 The League of Women Voters filed a lawsuit challenging the 2011 restructuring of Pennsylvania's Congressional Districts, alleging that they unconstitutionally favored the Republican Party. The Commonwealth Court that year found that while the new districts favored the GOP, this was not illegal. The case went to the PA Supreme Court (the table setters for the current electoral fraud) and on Jan 22, 2018 they ruled that:

First, the Court finds as a matter of law that the Congressional Redistricting Act of 2011 clearly, plainly and palpably violates the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and, on that sole basis, we hereby strike it as unconstitutional.

Does Wendy not know that the congressional districts are (or at least can be) redrawn every decade? So her charge that it's "not legal or lawful" to change them is simply (and laughably) incorrect. How does arbiter of the truth Wendy Bell not know this?

So Wendy, this is another hit on your mostly nonexistent credibility, right?

In any event, Wendy Bell said that the PA Supreme Court "set the table" for Biden's electoral fraud wa-a-a-y back in January of 2018 with this decision.

Do I need to point out that Vice-President Biden announced his candidacy about 13 and a half months after the PA Supreme Court declared the 2011 gerrymandered districts to be unconstitutional? Or that it would be three more months before he would have secured the necessary delegates for the nomination?

So how did this work, Wendy? Did Biden command the PA Supreme Court to do his bidding knowing that he'd be announcing more than a year later? And they paid attention to him even though he wouldn't get the necessary delegates for another 3 months after that?? Or did they command him?

Wow. That's amazingly deep planning on his part, Wendy. Kudos for being sharp enough to connect all those otherwise unconnectable dots.

Then there's Act 77. This bipartisan bit of legislation passed both houses of the Republican controlled Pennsylvania legislature in October of 2019:

  • House 138-61. By the way, this includes Daryl Metcalfe and Mike Turzai
  • Senate 30-20. By the way, this includes Joe Scarnati and Douglas Mastriano

The part of the legislation that so offends Wendy the part about mail in voting. As Gov Wolf put it:

The law creates a new option to vote by mail without providing an excuse, which is currently required for voters using absentee ballots. Pennsylvania joins 31 other states and Washington, D.C. with mail-in voting that removes barriers to elections.

And evidently, it was good enough for Metcalfe, Turzai, Scarnati and Mastriano, But Wendy Bell thinks it's illegal.

Wendy, are those four part of this "vast network of collusion" you described? Are these four among those who are part of your the decades old scheme to get Joe Biden into the White House? Did they know that they were voting for unlawful legislation? Will you be confronting them with this information? When?

And finally the drop boxes. Doesn't Wendy Bell know that this has been litigated already? Take a look:

Therefore, as this case presently stands,only three claims remain.First, whether the use of so-called “drop boxes” for mail-in ballots is unconstitutional, given the lack of guidance or mandates that those drop boxes have security guards to man them. Second, whether the Secretary’s guidance as to mail-in ballots—specifically, her guidance that county election boards should not reject mail-in ballots where the voter’s signature does not match the one on file—is unconstitutional. Third, whether Pennsylvania’s restriction that poll watchers be residents in the county for which they are assigned, as applied to the facts of this case, is unconstitutional.


After a careful review of the parties’ submissions and the extensive evidentiary record, the Court will enter judgment in favor of Defendants on all of Plaintiffs’ federal-constitutional claims, decline to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over the state-constitutional claims, and dismiss this case.

The "Defendents" in this case are Secretary of State Boockvar et al and the "Plaintiff's" are Trump et al.

Trump already lost this fight, Wendy. Didn't you know? But this triggers the bigger question. You mention that "court officials" are in on this fraud, right? The author of the above decision oking the use of drop boxes is Judge J. Nicholas Ranjan. He was appointed by Donald Trump to that court in 2018. Is he in on the corruption, too?

Wendy, have you ever heard about something called "Occam's Razor"? It's a philosophical "rule" that states, in effect, that the simpler explanation is probably the more correct one (you'll forgive my over-generalization). So we have two explanations for Biden's win over Trump.

  • Wendy Bell's - who states that Biden didn't win. He cheated. And that a huge number of individuals (including some very prominent Pennsylvania conservatives) are in on the cheat.
  • Biden actually won.

Wendy, given how complicated (and heretofore invisible) your conspiracy theory is, don't you think the simpler explanation (that Biden won) is more likely correct? 

Yea, I know. That's funny. Logic doesn't work on Wendy Bell, does it?

But someone has to say this.