May 20, 2021

Um, Wendy? Washington NEVER Said That

Take a look at this image:

As you can see by the inclusion of the human female in front, this is the wall of Wendy Bell's super secret wood paneled basement broadcast studio.

See the flag? You'll note that it has something written on it (a violation of the US Flag Code, btw), a quotation from George Washington. It's this:

Wanna know something?

George Washington never said this.

Who says?

The folks at Mount Vernon (dot) org, that's who. This is what they said:

George Washington did not say the quote you attributed to him. The first few words are the same as a sentence from his First Annual Message given to Congress on January 8, 1790, but the rest of the words are quite different. Compare the spurious quote to Washington's actual words, "A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies."

USAToday has more

The context of Washington’s speech, given in January 1790 to Congress, focused on the establishment of national defense and the idea that the new nation shouldn’t have to depend on foreign entities for its defense.

Wendy's faux-quote, on the other hand, tries to show that Washington was telling people to amass lotsa guns to fight the government, if that's necessary.

Except Washington never said that.

Got that, Wendy? Read a history book sometime.