May 27, 2021

Wendy Bell, Angel of Death, 3 Percenter?

Overnight, Brother Jon tweeted:

And he follows it with a few other images of the flag art hanging on the wall down in Radio Karen's flagship broadcast studio basement. He beats himself up abit for not noticing the "3 Percenter" logo in the canton.

Don't sweat it, my brother. I completely missed that little detail when I took Wendy to task for misquoting George Washington on that work of art. (I even included an image of the 3 percenter flag. Ugh. My bad.)

So what's a 3 Percenter?

The Southern Poverty Law Center has this definition:

Three Percenters

Percenterism is one of three core components within the antigovernment militia movement, along with the Oath Keepers and traditional militia groups. The reference to 3 percent stems from the dubious historical claim that only 3 percent of American colonists fought against the British during the War of Independence.
And the ADL has this:

Three Percenters believe that, just as a small revolutionary vanguard overthrew the tyrannical British rule in America, a dedicated group of modern patriots could rid the United States of today’s alleged tyranny.

Though the media often refer to Three Percenters as a movement or a group, they are neither.  Rather, they constitute a major part of the broader anti-government militia movement, whose ideology they share.  Some Three Percenters form militia groups, while others form non-paramilitary groups or create online networks; even more are active as individual or unaffiliated Three Percenters. 

They even include a logo:

Look familiar?

It seems that the January 6 coup attempt was too much for even the 3 Percenter National Council and they disbanded.

But Wendy still has the faux-Washington quote on the faux-flag hanging in her very real wood-paneled basement studio.

Wendy Bell, 3 Percenter. The wall art proves it.