July 15, 2021

A Quick Note About Wendy Bell's YouTube Ban

Aw, so sad.

The Angel of Death has been permanently bounced from YouTube.

I'm guessing it's the repeated COVID-19 misinformation. Whether it's Wendy's repeated dishonesty about the CDC numbers or Wendy's repeated dishonesty regarding the vaccines, who can tell?

Anyway Wendy's all snowflaked about it:


Unlike purveyors of fake news, lies and purposeful deceit, everything I present to you on my Wendy Bell Radio program is fact checked and sourced.

I share websites and researchers’ names, data sets and scientific review links, so that YOU can get back in the business of discovering your own truths. So that YOU can make informed, highly personal decisions that - last time I checked - are explicitly protected and defended by our Constitution.

Not good enough, says You Tube.

My honesty and attribution of facts has triggered them to permanently ban my account, remove my page, and throw away the key.

I am the latest in a long line of targets of censorship, though prostitutes, child sex traffickers, drug lords and known criminals’ pages are just fine.

The fight is on. They’re not just feeling the heat, they’re melting in the flames. And it’s only just begun.

(PS. Pay close attention to anyone who celebrates the silencing of another American.)

Let's take a look at a few things here:

Unlike purveyors of fake news, lies and purposeful deceit, everything I present to you on my Wendy Bell Radio program is fact checked and sourced.

I share websites and researchers’ names, data sets and scientific review links, so that YOU can get back in the business of discovering your own truths. So that YOU can make informed, highly personal decisions that - last time I checked - are explicitly protected and defended by our Constitution.

Interestingly, that first sentence is actually true - if incomplete. The "information" Wendy presents is, in fact, fact-checked (sometimes by yours truly). It's just that when that fact-checking is done, it's shown that Wendy is the one pushing the fake news, lies, and purposeful deceit.

Oh, and Wendy? The Bill of Rights only protects free speech from government reprisal. Last I checked YouTube is a private company and as such can set whatever standards they like for what's posted in its site. If they don't like people pushing dangerous anti-vaxx propaganda they can ban them.

See how that works?

I am surprised you haven't learned this lesson by now. I mean when you were tossed from WTAE-TV for that racist Facebook update, they did so because you violated their standards. And when you were tossed from KDKA-Radio for proposing that people protesting Confederate Memorials be shot on sight, they did so because you violated their standards.

It's not a difficult lesson to be learned. Why have you not learned it?