July 25, 2021

Aw, Sad Face. Look What's Happened To Robert David Steele's AriseUSA/QAnon/Anti-vaxx Tour

Hey, remember that QAnon/Anti-vaxx rally that rolled in to Beaver, PA last week under the title of "AriseUSA"? The one run by the guy who thinks that NASA currently has a colony of Earth children enslaved on the planet Mars. Yea, that one.

Well, it seems that they're running out of cash.

Beaver, PA was a triumph, and the only stop where our efforts were honored with a front page headline as shown here. We owe that triumph to Brynn Marie and Josh Himes, who demonstrated the glorious outcome that can be achieved when a community with a heart comes together with a tour carrying an honorable message.

However, the donations coming in have not kept pace with the costs — anything less than  $15K a day puts us into a negative cash flow situation and since we have no money of our own to give now (I personally have invested $250K, all I had, and borrowed $45K from my wife) — I had to make a decision, in consultation with Trent Loos and Kevin Jenkins, to pull the plug on the coaches.

That would be the tour buses.

And so the QAnon-ster is going solo:

I seek your assistance in determining how to proceed. I feel called to complete the tour in my SUV, starting in Belfast, Maine on Tuesday 27 July (where most of us will appear), but then onward with a big difference: instead of locations arranged by Trent Loos, I seek a single host for each stop who will tell me where to show up, and I will have a conversation for several hours with as many people as might wish to muster locally.  I will bring Miss Piggy and the Pig Bucket to collect gas money. I welcome our host arranging for local speakers and a do it yourself video recording that we can load to my Bitchute account.

The next show will be in Maine. And the local coverage in Maine got it right: 

A former sheriff linked to the Oath Keepers, a far-right anti-government extremist group, will speak in Belfast next week — a decision that has alarmed some in the community.

Richard Mack is a marquee speaker of the Arise USA! The Resurrection Tour that is making its only stop in Maine at the Crosby Center in downtown Belfast Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. 

The former Arizona sheriff is also the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association, an organization that believes that county sheriffs have powers that supersede those of any other law enforcement officer, including federal officers. In 2016, the Center for Public Integrity, a non-profit investigative news outlet, reported that Mack sat on the board of directors of the Oath Keepers. That group is part of the patriot militia movement and came under heavy scrutiny after the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the U.S Capitol. It’s known for trying to recruit military and law enforcement officers and is classified as an anti-government extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

Though if Steele is going solo, it's unclear if Mack will be speaking. On the other hand, the Bangor Daily News does include this paragraph about Steele:

The national tour organizer is Robert David Steele, a former CIA agent and 2016 Libertarian candidate for president who holds strongly anti-Zionist views. Steele told the Blue Mountain Eagle in John Day, Oregon, that the goal of the Arise USA tour is to unite 99 percent of the country against what he called the 1 percent in government. His group’s grievances included COVID-19 restrictions, alleged election fraud, satanic pedophila and critical race theory, according to the Eagle.

Of course, Steele has an explanation for his tour's failure and the (truthful) coverage in Maine:

This entire tour has been a God-thing. I have the strong feeling that this shift away from an expensive caravan to a very personal journey is part of the God-thing. I note with amusement the Zionist-inspired attack on our Belfast event:

A tour coming to Belfast aims to ‘save America,’ but critics fear it will spread far-right radicalization

The Zionists and  their Antifa/BLM stooges have clearly been planning to ambush us from Maine to Florida and — again — a God-thing — now they have no target. I feel sorry for the reporter bribed or bamboozled into writing such a defamatory and ignorant article.

It's those pesky Zionists and their Antifa/BLM stooges! (Yea, that sounds rational.)

If you were curious about his stance on Zionism, in a book review Steele outlines his thoughts:

I am not ready to make the leap condemning Jews, although I buy into their being an invented tribe, not a race and not a religion, more like a secret society that believes itself to be exempt from all laws and customs of others. For me, in the here and now this book documents the heart of the Zionist agenda of subversion, and the importance of giving Jewish citizens a choice: be loyal to the Republic or go to jail.

This is the guy heading to Maine. This is the leader of AriseUSA.

Hey, did you know that candidate Sean Parnell was there? At that AriseUSA/QAnon/Anti-vaxx rally? The one run by that guy with believes in giving "Jewish citizens a choice: be loyal to the Republic or go to jail."?

Any thoughts in this Sean?