July 23, 2021

More On Robert David Steele's QAnon/Anti-vaxx Rally In Beaver

Kudos to the Beaver County Times for its stellar stellar coverage of the Arise USA/QAnon/Anti-vaxxing rally this week!

I mean look at the timeline of their coverage:

Their announcement of the rally, dated July 12, 2021 was framed this way:

Two national recording artists from Beaver County will perform, and speakers will address unity and change, at the Arise USA! event on July 21 at the gazebo in Beaver.
Despite the fact that The Blue Mountain Eagle out in Oregon reported this about two weeks before,
The group’s grievances ranged from COVID-19 restrictions to alleged election fraud to satanic pedophilia and critical race theory.

Their announcement triggered this letter to the editor, dated July 20, 2021, that let them know:

Responding to the July 12 story on the Arise USA! event on Wednesday, The Times helped promote, in an article by this paper’s entertainment reporter, a national tour of crackpot conspiracy theorists coming to Beaver to spread dangerous disinformation.

And so how did the Beaver County Times actually cover the event after the fact?

With this. Four pictures (each with a caption) under the headline:

Rally for faith, family, freedom

And each image had roughly the same caption. I'll give you an example. Here's Angel of Death and retired newscaster here showing off how well she shaves her armpits, Wendy Bell:

Each caption contains this text:
The tour is traveling the country with both national and local speakers to promote faith, family and freedom.

As you can see, while Wendy did get a "controversial" attached to her name, there's no mention on the page of Robert Steele's quest for the satanic pedophiles in our corrupt government, no mention of Lisa Kellerman's advice for avoiding the coronavirus being shed by the vaccinated: rubbing pine oil extract on one's ankles.

What awesome coverage, Beaver County Times. What. Awesome. Coverage.