August 17, 2021

Newsflash: Disgraced Former Reporter Wendy Bell Misreads Her Own Research. Again

Wendy Bell is on vacation for a couple of weeks, no longer ranting in (as she calls it) her "basement bunker" broadcast center.

I thought I had some time off from the Karen rants, but no.

There was this yesterday. At about 42 minutes in, Wendy speechifies:

Did you guys see the new, um, the new report just put out a couple days ago by the Mayo Clinic and a Cambridge based biotech company called nference?

They looked at twenty-five thousand folks from Minnesota. They compared the – this is for COVID, OK? - they looked at them in July but they looked at them before in January, alright?

To study the effectiveness of these vaccines that you are being implored, as a patriotic American, to get, that you're being told your children should get, that by the way Pfizer itself doesn't require it's own employees to get, but you need to.

This study finds Moderna's MRNA vaccine's effectiveness dropped in July to 76%. Pfizer's dropped to 42%. And so now, the CDC, Rochelle Walensky and Dr Doom himself, Fauci, say, absolutely the booster shot is the only way to go.

How many times are you going to be told something that proves wrong before we wake up and say, I don't believe you any more. You can't lie as often as you do, get caught, back pedal, point fingers and blame other people, so frequently and continue to have the faith and confidence in the American people.

This is where we are.

First error of Wendy's. Pfizer.

Two weeks ago, CNBC reported

Pfizer said Wednesday it will require all its U.S. employees and contractors to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or participate in regular weekly testing.

The new initiative will “best protect the health and safety of our colleagues and the communities we serve,” Pfizer spokesperson Pamela Eisele said in a statement to CNBC.

“Outside the U.S., the company is strongly encouraging all colleagues who are able to do so in their countries get vaccinated,” Eisele added. “Colleagues who have medical conditions or religious objections will be able to seek accommodations. Colleagues are still required to adhere to all COVID-19 state, local and Pfizer safety procedures while engaged in Pfizer work.”

Did you miss that, Wendy? Or were you just lying about it?

But the big lie was about that study. Yea, I found the study. Did you think I couldn't find the study?

Wendy gets it wrong. Badly badly wrong. I've asked this before and I have to ask it again, "Isn't there someone in Wendy's very close circle of friends or maybe even a member of her family with some sort of medical training who can explain these things to her? Isn't there??"

Anyway, here's the title of the not-yet-peer reviewed paper:

Comparison of two highly-effective mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 during periods of Alpha and Delta variant prevalence

Wait, it's comparing the effectiveness of the vaccines during the Alpha and Delta waves? So that if there's a drop in effectiveness, it might have something to do with the new player in the game, the Delta variant?

It even says so in the abstract:

Although clinical trials and real-world studies have affirmed the effectiveness and safety of the FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines, reports of breakthrough infections and persistent emergence of new variants highlight the need to vigilantly monitor the effectiveness of these vaccines. Here we compare the effectiveness of two full-length Spike protein-encoding mRNA vaccines from Moderna (mRNA-1273) and Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) in the Mayo Clinic Health System over time from January to July 2021, during which either the Alpha or Delta variant was highly prevalent.


Comparing rates of infection between matched individuals fully vaccinated with mRNA-1273 versus BNT162b2 across Mayo Clinic Health System sites in multiple states (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, and Iowa), mRNA-1273 conferred a two-fold risk reduction against breakthrough infection compared to BNT162b2 (IRR = 0.50, 95% CI: 0.39-0.64).
So we're talking breakthrough infections here?

Did Wendy point out any of this?

No. Wendy lied.

Then there's this part that goes completely unmentioned in Wendy's warning to her adoring crowd:

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected over 190 million individuals, leading to over 4 million deaths attributed to COVID-19. To curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2, mass global vaccination efforts have been initiated, with 3.9 billion vaccine doses administered to date. Controlled clinical trials and real-world clinical studies have provided clear evidence of the effectiveness of FDA- authorized COVID-19 vaccines. In clinical trials, BNT162b2, an mRNA vaccine developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, showed 95.0% efficacy (95% CI: 90.3-97.6%) in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 with onset seven or more days after the second dose. mRNA-1273, an mRNA vaccine developed by Moderna, showed 94.1% efficacy (95% CI: 89.3-96.8%) in preventing symptomatic infection with onset at least 14 days after the second dose. Additional real-world retrospective studies in major health systems in the United States and Israel further support the effectiveness and safety of these vaccines.

However, only about 50% of the United States population is fully vaccinated as of July 2021, with an even lower fraction fully vaccinated across the globe. Further, there have been reports of reduced vaccine effectiveness against emerging variants and local increases in COVID- 19 cases despite mass vaccination, raising questions about the potential need to administer vaccine booster doses and to develop variant-targeted vaccines in the future.8–10 This evolving state of affairs highlights the need to assess the durability and comparative effectiveness of the FDA-authorized vaccines. Here, we address this need by comparing the rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 associated complications between demographically and geographically matched individuals who were vaccinated with mRNA-1273 versus BNT162b2 in the multi-state Mayo Clinic Health System.
Hey, Wendy! You were once a prize winning journalist, right? Why aren't you telling the truth now?

How many times are you going to say something that proves wrong before people wake up and say, "I don't believe you any more. You can't lie as often as you do, get caught, back pedal, point fingers and blame other people, so frequently and continue to have the faith and confidence of...well anyone?"