August 25, 2021

Wendy Bell, FORMER Journalist, Gets The Facts Wrong. Again.

We'll start with this tweet from Brother Jon:

And yes, Jon is correct about the Angel of Death's 3%-ers flag.

But let's take a look at what Wendy and Brock said:

Wendy: Number two. Hypocritical justice. Isn't it so intriguing to all of you. Did you hear the leader, the lah-, the past leader of the Proud Boys? I'm not some an advocate of the Oath Keepers or the Three Percenters or any fringe group that's militant, and angry and wants to do harm. I don't know if that's their platform. I don't spend a whole lot of time investigating these people.

Anybody who's too far right or too far left I think is a danger to society. 

This dude, who I guess resigned as the head of the Proud Boys, black guy, I don't know his name. I don't care! Was sentenced yesterday for five months in prison!

Brock, do you want to tell everybody what he did that was so egregious?

Because you're thinking, "Holey Moley! That is a serious - five months, a hundred and fifty five days in prison." What?

Brock: He burned a BLM flag and he took a - . He had a clip uh-

Wendy: Couple of magazine rounds.

Brock: Yea.

Wendy: That were actually bought by somebody else who was abs - he was holding them.

Brock: But he gr-. Out of that it was a congruent sentence. I believe he got ninety days for burning a BLM flag. Last time I checked you can burn a flag. Constitutional right.

You'll notice that they're defending the Proud Boys guy. Wendy even calls it "hypocritical justice."

But how much of the story do they get right? (Now, remember, Wendy Bell was once an award winning journalist. Getting the story right should come second nature to an award winning journalist, right?)

They didn't get much of the story right.

From the BBC:

The leader of the far-right Proud Boys group has been given nearly six months in jail for burning a stolen Black Lives Matter flag and a weapons crime.

Enrique Tarrio, 37, pleaded guilty to destruction of property and attempted possession of a large-capacity ammunition feeding device.

Appearing through video in court on Monday, Tarrio apologised and said there was "no excuse" for his actions.

Wait. So he pleaded guilty and apologized? But Wendy's letting us infer that he's being mistreated by a hypocritical justice system. She got that wrong, didn't she?

Tarrio (who identifies as an Afro-Cuban, Wendy.) even admitted to doing it:

The leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, said he participated in the burning of a Black Lives Matter banner that had been ripped from the facade of a historic Black church during unrest in downtown Washington following a rally earlier this month for President Trump.

Tarrio, the chairman of the male-chauvinist organization with ties to white nationalism, said in an interview with The Washington Post he would plead guilty to destruction of property, pay the church the cost of the banner and surrender to authorities if that criminal charge is filed.

“I’ll fly there on my own dime,” said Tarrio, who was in Miami on Friday, and spoke in a telephone interview days after D.C. police and the FBI posted rewards in their search for people responsible in the case. “I have nothing to hide.”

Tarrio wrote he was speaking out against the advice of his attorney: “So let me make this simple. I did it.”


D.C. police have classified the burning as a destruction of property, a misdemeanor when damage is under $1,000. It is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. A hate crime can add to the severity of the punishment.

But this was not simply burning a flag, was it Brock? You got this wrong, didn't you Brock?

It's destruction of (someone else's) property. Did you miss that part, Wendy? 

That's right, Wendy. You don't spend a lot of time investigating these stories. But you still felt the need to pass along your "information" to your adoring throng, however. 

You do have every right to burn a flag as a form of protest. You do not have a right to steal someone else's property and destroy it. Do you not understand the distinction?

Wendy Bell, ladies and gentleman. A former journalist misleading the public.