August 9, 2021

Wendy Bell! You're The One Who's Lying. Again

From Wendy Bell's FB page on Friday:

8/6/21 Those of us who don't lie for a living often ask - How Do They Live With Themselves? Being dirty inside and out and purposefully deceiving people is a filthy game that doesn't wash off in the shower. Jump in on today's show as we BREAK SOME NEWS with Attorney Thomas Renz (the lawyer of the CDC whistleblower who says WAY more than 45,000 Americans have died because of the j@b) AND highlight the best audio soundbites from the USA's dirtiest of dirty.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks (Hamlet 3.2.254).

Look at her first sentence. Then the second. How much projection do you think is stuffed into those three dozen (or so) words? After having written about Wendy Bell for longer than I'd care to admit, I'd have say about 37 words' worth.

But let's wander away from Wendy Bell's dishonesty projection and float over to her actual (purported) statements of fact. Something about Attorney Thomas Renz and the 45,000 Americans who've died of "the j@b) - as Wendy spells it.

But first, let me ask a question: What does this say about all the MAGA folks who want us to praise Trump for Operation Warp Speed?

Like Sarah Sanders, for example:

If President Biden, Vice President Harris, and others on the left truly care about increasing the vaccination rate and saving lives, they should admit they were wrong to cast doubt on Operation Warp Speed and give President Trump and his team the credit they are due for the development of a safe and effective vaccine in record time.

If "the j@b" is responsible for 45,000 deaths, isn't Donald Trump responsible for those deaths as well?

Huh. I hope Wendy will one day explain this profound dichotomy.

But back to the actual statement.

It's false.


An Instagram post claimed, "45,000 confirmed dead from the COVID-19 shots within three days… and they’ve covered it up." 

The number tracks back to a woman who did not reveal her method for calculating the figure and who has not been publicly identified. She based her calculations on reports of deaths in VAERS, according to a lawsuit. But the number does not align with data contained in VAERS — and even the reports of death entered into that system do not prove that those people died as a result of receiving a vaccine. VAERS is an open system that contains reports that can be submitted by anyone and are not verified. 

Finally, the claim was part of a lawsuit by America’s Frontline Doctors, a group that has peddled many false and conspiratorial claims about COVID-19 and vaccines.

We rate this claim Pants on Fire!


Despite claiming to have evidence to prove that 45,000 individuals died within three days of receiving their COVID-19 vaccine, our investigation did not reveal a legitimate source to suggest that such allegations are factual. And because our own query into the VAERS system revealed 5,000 deaths following — but potentially unrelated to — COVID-19 vaccination, we rate this claim as “False.”

And so on. 

How do you live with yourself, Wendy? People are suffering because of the misinformation you're spreading. Some of them may even die.

I can understand your need for the projection, if only to protect your ego, but still. 600,000 Americans have died due to the virus. The vaccines are a great weapon in slowing down that number.

Sadly, we're now in the middle of a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Unvaccinated in part because of people who believe in the drivel you spew.

How do YOU sleep with yourself?