November 1, 2021

Um...If Everett Stern Is Right, This Is YUGE (A Question for Doug Mastriano)

I came across this on Sunday:

At about 20 minutes long, you might not have the time to sit through it all. No worries. I'll catch you up as best I can.

Everett Stern is a Republican running for the US Senate, having announced last February. He's not one of the two front runners for the GOP primary.

But this isn't about his campaign. It's about the Patriot Caucus and the implications of what Stern is asserting in this press conference.

Let's start with Stern's assertions:

  • Former NSA Michael Flynn is committing treason (at 2:43 minutes into the video)
  • Flynn is using a group called the Patriot Caucus to do so (3:09)
  • The purpose of the group is to push voter audits in order to reinstate Trump as president (4:26)
  • The group is pushing for this in Pennsylvania right now (4:42)

He then details his first contact with the group. He'd given a speech on April 26 at the Berks County Republican Party.

That would be this speech announced on April 21:

On Monday, April 26, Stern will speak at the Berks County Republican Committee Spring/Dinner Kick Off at Stokesay Castle, in Reading PA. This year's event is slated by the organizers as "the largest and most attended Berks GOP Spring Dinner/Kickoff event ever remembered; certainly, in the last 20 years."

Stern, who is running as a Common-Sense Conservative says "It is a great chance for people to hear what I have to offer and for me to listen to what they have to say."

And reported on April 27. He look who was the keynote speaker:

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano. Huh. 

Stern tweeted this this morning:

What? The Patriot Caucus turned against Doug? Why? When?

Anyway, Stern says that after the speech, he was approached by a "Mark Still" and a "Velma Ann Ruth" who said they were from the Patriot Caucus.

There is a "Mark Still" listed as President, Co-Chair, The Patriot Caucus and a "Velma Ann Ruth" as a member of the Patriot Caucus.

Stern said that Still and Ruth wanted to hire Stern's company, an intelligence firm called Tactical Rabbit, to dig up intelligence on US Senator Pat Toomey and Rep Brian Fitzpatrick.

He also says that they eventually described the group as recruiting former intelligence officials (both domestic and foreign) to gather information on "Senators, judges, Congressmen and State Reps to move them towards the audit" (7:23).

Stern added that they told him they were not looking for "traditional opposition research" but "dirt" to "move people toward the audit."

They then introduced Stern to Ivan Raiklin, an associate of former NSA Michael Flynn.

And so on.

Again if all this is true, this is big.

But let's look again at the organization Stern is describing. He states that the Patriot Caucus recruited former intelligence officials to dig up dirt to move them towards an audit.

Who else do we know who's former intelligence and who really really wants a full 50 state audit of the 2020 election?

That's right. PA State Senator Doug Mastriano.

Wasn't Doug there on January 6 when the Trump-mob stormed The Capitol? And didn't Steve Bannon himself say that Doug's meeting in December of 2020 start the whole "counter reaction" to November 3 started? Wasn't he the keynote speaker at the event where Everett Stern says he was approached by two members of the Patriot Caucus?

The answer would be yes on all three.

Shouldn't someone ask PA State Senator Doug Mastriano to comment on what (if anything) he knows about all this?