December 27, 2021

Ladies And Gentlemen, Wendy Bell (The Angel of Death) Has Left The Building

Yes, that's right. Wendy Bell snowflaked before our eyes and has left Facebook.

Why, you ask?

Here's why (from her Facebook page):

I'm done being silenced. I'm done being censored. I'm done with the shadow banning. I'm done with "fact checkers" who check no facts and are too cowardly to debate my daily research.
This is NOT Freedom of Speech.
This is NOT America.

Hey, I think Wendy Bell called me a coward! How mature.

BTW, many thanks to Jon who caught the video:

Her rant seems to allude to this kerfuffle between John Stossel and Facebook so I might not be among the cowards she mentions. But since she does describe those cowards as "too cowardly to debate my daily research," I might just be.

As far as that goes, Wendy did invite me to be on her show (offered me a weekly spot! With the possibility of getting sponsored!!) and yes, I did turn it down.

The story can be found here.

For my part I am not really that sorry if my blogposts triggered Wendy to retreat from Facebook. The smaller her platform, the fewer people will hear her misinformation. Let's hope that that leads to fewer Covid hospitalizations.

And as far as debate her daily research? What does she think these are?

And those are just from this December! Does she not realize that this is a debate? One that she refuses to participate in, to be true. Granted it's not daily but there's a lot of factual data there that Wendy simply does not respond to - so which one of us is actively avoiding this debate between us?

You'll forgive me, O gentle reader, for not focusing 100% of my time on Western PA's Angel of Death. I've been spending a little more time recently on Donald Trump's attempted coup and how deeply two Pennsylvania politicians (State Senator Doug Mastriano and Representative Scott Perry) are entwined in it. In the grand scheme of things, that's a little more important than a once award-winning journalist who's now gone whole scale batshit Trumper anti-vaxx crazy.

Now, here's the question: Is this Freedom of Speech?

Wendy Bell seems to think that any sort of criticism/fact-checking of her broadcasts somehow infringes on her freedoms.

That's not how this works, Wendy. That's not how any of this works.

Wendy, you say that the VAERS data proves the vaccines are unsafe. You have the freedom to assert that. On the other hand, I also have the freedom to assert that every time you do that, you're saying something that simply isn't true.

The difference between your assertion and mine is that I have the facts on my side (as spelled out in the VAERS disclaimer).

None of this is an encroachment on your freedom of speech. You've simply been corrected in public, poor thing.

And as John Stossel himself declared at the top of that NYPost piece:

Facebook is a private company, so it can censor whomever it wants.

On the other hand, thin-skinned Wendy took her ball and went home and called those fact-checking her cowards.

I'll give the last word to someone who actually knows what they're talking about: