June 10, 2022

January 6 Committee Hearing - Day One (Questions For Doug Mastriano)

I'd like to start here with part of the testimony of Trump Campaign attorney, Alex Cannon. See if you can spot what about it perked my ears up.

Here's a transcript:

Alex Cannon: I remember a call with Mr. Meadows where Mr. Meadows was asking me what I was finding and if I was finding anything and I remember sharing with him that we weren't finding anything that would be sufficient to change the results in any of the key states.

Q: When was that conversation?

AC: Probably in November. Mid-to-late November. I think it was before my child was born.

Q: And what was mr meadow's reaction to that information?

AC: I believe the words he used were, "So there's no there there."

Funny to see a Gertrude Stein reference in testimony about an attempted coup, but there you have it. A rose is a rose is a rose, you know.

Then there was this from the testimony of former-Attorney General Barr:

 I had three discussions with the president that I can recall. One was on November 23rd...

And then later:

In that context I made it clear that I did not agree of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff which I told the president was bullshit.

Anyway. What got my attention was the dates mentioned: mid-to-late November, 2020 and November 23rd.

Because this happened on November 25, 2020:

In a packed ballroom at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg, the crowd cheered as President Donald J. Trump spoke via cell phone held up to a microphone during a meeting in which Republican lawmakers listened as individuals described what they believed to be irregularities they saw during the 2020 election.

The crowd of mostly unmasked watchers held up their cell phones to record as the president reiterated allegations that he has been making for weeks and said the election needs to be overturned.

“It was a fraudulent election,” the president said as the crowd erupted into applause.

This, of course, was State Senator (and now GOP candidate for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano's hearing

They held the hearing after being told there was no evidence of election fraud.

This leads to a whole set of questions about the genesis of that meeting:

  • When was it first conceived?
  • Who did the conceiving? Doug? The White House? The Trump Campaign?
  • What are the details?
  • Who was in on those discussions and did they know that the Oval Office had already been told that there was no there there on election fraud.

Any comment, State Senator Mastriano?