July 29, 2022

More On Mastriano's Gab Connections (And NO, I Can Not Take Any Credit For Any Of This!)

News (via twitter):

In the event you're confused, The NyTimes has some context:

After days avoiding questions about antisemitic remarks by a supporter of his campaign, Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, said on Thursday that he rejected “antisemitism in any form.’’

Mr. Mastriano has faced mounting criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike since it was revealed in early July that he paid $5,000 in campaign funds to the far-right social media site Gab. The payment, for “consulting,’’ apparently was intended to bring Mr. Mastriano a broader following on Gab, which is known as a haven for white nationalists and users banned from other platforms.

In defending Mr. Mastriano’s ties to Gab in recent days, its founder, Andrew Torba, repeatedly made antisemitic remarks and said in one video that neither he nor Mr. Mastriano would give interviews to non-Christian journalists.

Mr. Mastriano on Thursday did not condemn Mr. Torba. He blamed Democrats and “the media” for the controversy.

Of course he didn't condemn Torba. Of course, "the Democrats and the media" are to blame for pointing out Torba's obvious antisemitism, Doug's $5k for Gab-consults and Gab-access. Sure. The Democrats and the media. Sure.

In his tweet, PA State Senator (and now GOP cand. for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano also never explained what exactly that $5000 was for (what sort of "consulting" did he get for that $$$?) or the need for the auto-following on Gab or whether he does, in fact, give interviews to non-Christian reporters.

But denouncing antisemitism is a good first step, I suppose.

I'd love to think I had something to do with all this, but I think I'd have a better shot winning the Mega Millions (and I still haven't bought a ticket). 

It was only yesterday that I posted:

Does Doug Mastriano really want to be in business with [Andrew Torba]? If he doesn't he'd better speak out and soon.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc and all that.

But here's the fun part. It's tucked in the bottom of the Times piece:

Later on Thursday, Mr. Mastriano made his Gab account private and then removed it, according to The Forward.

That link leads here: