September 1, 2022

More On Mastriano's Security Detail!

Carter Walker has an update on St Sen (and now GOP cand for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano's security detail!

If you'll recall, Walker posted this piece about the detail about 2 weeks ago.

Last night an astute reader sent me the latest from Carter:

Almost big enough for three Barber Shop Quartets!

Let's see if we can find more images of Doug's Dougettes.

Like this one:

Or this one:

Or this one:

Or this one:

Or this one:

So the guy with the white chin-beard is named Mark Driver?

Like this guy?

Or this guy?

Hey, here's Mastriano security guy Mark Driver with disgraced treasoner Mike Flynn!

And another with insurrectionist oath breaker Doug:

You get the picture.