November 1, 2022

Have They Denounced DePape Yet?

Hey, you remember Sean Parnell, right?

He was the leading GOP candidate for PA Senator until, well, you know.

You remember how he said, at one time, "If you don't denounce the mob, you embrace the mob."?

Keep that phrase in mind.

Let's now go look and see what David Wayne DePape told the SFPD:

DEPAPE stated that he was going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her. If Nancy were to tell DEPAPE the truth, he would let her go, and if she lied, he was going to break her kneecaps. DEPAPE was certain that Nancy would not have told the truth. In the course of the interview, DEPAPE articulated he viewed Nancy as the leader of the pack of lies told by the Democratic Party. DEPAPE also later explained that by breaking Nancy's kneecaps, she would then have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other Members of Congress there were consequences to actions. (p. 6)

This was after being Mirandized, by the way.

So we're talking torture (what? no waterboarding?) and terrorism here aren't we? Not to mention kidnapping a high government official and all the rest.

When he broke in, he also had zip ties and rope with him.

He broke in, was going to restrain Paul Pelosi until The Speaker arrived and then torture her until she told him what he had already concluded was "the truth" in order to show the rest of the Democrats that there are consequences to actions.

Then there's this from the LA Times:

In the months before police accused him of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Friday morning, David DePape had been drifting further into the world of far-right conspiracies, antisemitism and hate, according to a Times review of his online accounts.

QAnon, Pizzagate, Jeffrey Epstein, the gamut of right wing conspiracies. 

And of course this stuff:

DePape posted videos to Facebook by MyPillow Chief Executive Mike Lindell saying that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, according to reports.

He also linked to sites with claims about the deadliness of COVID-19 vaccines.

“The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read.

All that disinformation/misinformation fueled DePape to swing that hammer at Paul Pelosi's head.

Have any of my local right wing friends denounced this violence yet? 

  • St. Sen Doug Mastriano?
  • Rep Guy Reschenthaler?
  • Wendy Bell?
  • Wendy's assistant Brock Schneider?

I haven't found anything yet. 

NOTE: That does not mean none of the above have denounced it only that I haven't seen any evidence of it yet. 

If I find any, I will be happy to post, say, Doug Mastriano's denouncement of the attack on Paul Pelosi. If he were to, I'd be curious to see him deal with DePape's embracing of some of the same right wing conspiracies Doug pushes. Same thing with Guy or Wendy/Brock.

Because remember, if you haven't denounced something, you've endorsed it.