November 16, 2022

The Orange Vulgarity Has Returned.

If you missed it, I'll let The Times fill you in:

Donald J. Trump announced his third run for the White House in a rambling speech late Tuesday, retreading old themes as he sought to remake himself as a political outsider for his 2024 run.

And so on. 

The news was met by some deep fact-checks:

And so on.

But let's let the last paragraph of this Washington Post piece sum up Trump's political baggage.

And he has profoundly altered the tenor of American public life — shattering long-held standards of decorum and civility with often shocking attacks on political rivals, judges and reporters. He has frequently made racist and antisemitic remarks, mocked people with disabilities and denigrated developing countries, bragged about sexual assault and paid hush money to a porn star, praised dictators, declined to disavow extremists, inspired his supporters to resort to violence and defended white supremacists and Jan. 6 rioters.

That's a lotta links.

Feel free to peruse them at your leisure.