January 24, 2023

St Sen Doug Mastriano on LGBT+ Youth: NO SHAKESPEARE FOR YOU!!!

When I wore a younger man's clothes, I remember hearing this:

When you ban something, you also ban the thing right next to it.

With that in mind, take a look at this:

This is how Doug defines "drag performance"

A drag performance is one where a performer "exhibits" gender identity that is not of the performer's birth origin and includes the use of clothing, makeup, or accessories to further embellish the gender identity of the performer's opposite sex.

In his next tweet, Caruso points out: 

Such a law would ban minors from drag shows; require they only be held on premises with specific lighting and layout requirements; and that the AG, DA, or a municipal solicitor could ask for a court to shutdown a show if in violation of any provision.

Huh. So I guess Shakespeare is out. Twelfth Night, specifically:

On the seventeenth century stage, with female roles taken by boys, the play was even more giddily fluid in its gender dynamics: Viola is in fact a boy playing a girl playing a boy for most of the play, indistinguishable from a boy playing a boy (Sebastian) and surrounded by boys playing women (Olivia and Maria) as well as men playing men. In Twelfth Night gender really is what a person makes of it, no matter the story beneath the petticoat or hose.

No Shakespeare for kids. Especially not since William Shakespeare wrote this for a man:

A woman's face with nature's own hand painted,
Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion;

Oh, the horror! The HORROR!

But I also wanted to take a closer look at Doug's memo. This part, in fact:

In October 2022, a sexually charged drag show for audience members as young as 13 was performed at the Rainbow Room in Bucks County and sponsored by local and state officials.
So what is this "Rainbow Room" in Bucks County?

This is:

The Rainbow Room is an LGBTQIA youth program that provides a supportive and empowering environment for youth ages 14-21. Weekly meetings are a free and confidential place where you can learn, build support networks, and have fun. 
And where is this room?

A program of Planned Parenthood Keystone, located at Salem United Church of Christ.

It's a program that provides a safe space for LGBT+ youth and its run out of a church.

Does Doug Mastriano really want to give the guv'ment the authority to restrict meetings (for whatever reason) at churches simply because the guv'ment doesn't like what's going on in there? 
