February 20, 2023

So Fox News KNEW Trump's Dominion Story Was BS - Now What?

Took me a while but I read through this.

It's the recent filing by Dominion Voting against Fox News for defamation.

There's a lot in there but let's start here:

Fox broadcast false information. These lies fall into four categories , each provably false at the time . Fox falsely claimed : (1) Dominion committed election fraud by rigging the 2020 Presidential Election.(2) Dominion's software and algorithms manipulated vote counts in the 2020 Presidential Election (3) Dominion is owned by a company founded in Venezuela to rig elections for the dictator Hugo Chavez . (4) Dominion paid kickbacks to government officials who used its machines in the 2020 Presidential Election. (pg 6)

And it has a lot of evidence of Fox News false Dominion stories:

Fox has zero evidence to raise a genuine issue of material fact on falsity. In discovery responses and binding corporate representative testimony, Fox has conceded falsity on Smartmatic ownership and Venezuela connections. On all other statements, Fox says it does not plan to contest falsity, except to say it plans to introduce evidence at trial that some votes were flipped, without further explanation. (pg 48-49)

So if I am reading this right, and I'd like to think I am, what's presented as evidence that Fox News knew it's own reporting of Dominion was, in fact, BS

Also, Fox will not be challenging, in court, the falsity of their reporting.

So Fox was wrong about Dominion. Dominion did not commit election fraud by rigging or shifting the votes.

Which leads me to this:

So Trump is wrong here and St Senator Doug Mastriano is wrong here.

And then there's this:

 Um, Doug? A lot of that is, in fact, "made up" - and it's been presented in a court of law as such.

Then there's this:

Again, completely not true.

And that's just the stuff about Dominion voting.

What about all the other false stuff Fox was spewing in 2020 (and beyond) regarding Trump's loss.

Will Doug Mastriano ever correct the record and tell the truth?