February 1, 2023

Stormy Daniels Back In The News! (Revisiting The Trump/Daniels Pittsburgh Connection)

From NPR:

The Manhattan district attorney is presenting evidence to a grand jury that former President Donald Trump may have committed crimes in connection with hush money payments to an adult film actress in 2016, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

The move lays the groundwork for possible criminal charges against Trump, who has said he did nothing wrong.

The investigation stems from the revelation early in Trump's presidency that his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, had made a deal in October 2016 with adult film star Stormy Daniels, who said she had an extramarital affair with Trump. Daniels received $130,000, and in exchange, she agreed not to discuss her story with reporters.

Cohen pleaded guilty to federal charges of violating campaign finance law in 2018 and went to prison.

As Cohen put it during a plea hearing, the payments were made "in coordination with, and at the direction of, a candidate for federal office." He said paid the money and arranged to be reimbursed $420,000 by Trump's company to cover his taxes. The company recorded the payments to Cohen as legal fees, which could constitute a crime in New York.

And, for the record, Ms Daniels is on record with this:

Do you remember the Pittsburgh connection to this story?

The alleged one night-ter occured, according to USAToday:

According to The Journal, Clifford has privately alleged the encounter took place after the two met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. That's a year after Trump married his third wife, Melania. The Journal previously reported that Clifford had been in talks with Good Morning America in the fall of 2016 about an appearance to discuss Trump, also citing people familiar with the matter. 

This is the important phrase in that paragraph: "July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe."

This is where my blog post kicks in. Trump was teamed up with former Pittsburgh Steeler Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger during that tournament.

In my follow-up post, I wondered:

All that aside, NONE of the above news sources caught the fact that Ben played at least one round of golf with Trump at that tournament. Was it before or after the sex? Did they partake in any "locker room talk" on the links? Has Trump at any point then or since said to Roethlisberger, "Hey, you know that blonde porn star I got you to walk home that night? Yea, I banged her. Me, 60 years old and I'm banging a porn star."

Because you can totally see him bragging that.

Can someone please put a camera in Ben Roethlisberger's face and ask him what he knows about this?

Did anyone ever ask Ben Roethlisberger what he remembers from that weekend?