February 9, 2005

Verse Case Santorum

From BuzzFlash:

Santorum Criticizes U.N. Head Over
Oil-For-Food Program Scandal

by Tony Peyser

A politician
Whose name you know
Was caught in a scandal
Not too long ago.

He lives in Virginia
His kids are homeschooled
Pennsylvania taxpayers
Had all been fooled.

The price he charged
To educate
His kids was paid for
By The Keystone State.

His Pennsylvania house
It’s a given
Is not the place
Where he’s been livin.’

Pennsylvania pays
But he lives near D.C.?
Sounds like kind of
A discrepancy.

When these facts came out,
He couldn’t ignore ‘em
(“He” being Congressman
Rick Santorum.)

This proves it’s unwise
To say, “He’s a crook!”
When you’re not exactly
Playing it by the book

And voters don’t have
To look very far
To find your own hand
In a cookie jar.

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