March 14, 2005

My conversation today with Lil Ricky "Man on Dog Action" Santorum

Sen. "Man on Dog Action" Santorum appeared in person on local Rush Wannabe, Fred Honsberger's Honsberger Live TV show today. I queued up to speak to him and got on the show. Prior to my call, Santorum stated, "No Republican that I'm aware of wants to end Medicare or Social Security."

The conversation went something like this:

As is usual for Fred, he had his theme music for me ("Whose in the White House? Bush! Bush!") cued up and playing when he took my call and gave his standard intro, "That music can only mean one thing, Maria's on the phone."

Me: Good Morning, Senator Santorum. You stated that no Republican that you're aware of wants to end Medicare or Social Security yet when you were touring PA talking about Social Security, your supporters were standing outside chanting "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho. Social Security has got to go."

"Man on Dog:" Those weren't my supporters, I don't know who they were.

Me: My understanding is that they were young Republicans and they were responding to others who were chanting "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho. Rick Santorum has got to go." Aren't you worried that that chant will be the first 30 second spot that will appear against you next year? It's already all over the Internet with a link back to Chuck Pennacchio's website who's running.

"Man on Dog:" No candidate can be held responsible for what his supporters say or do, blah, blah, blah... (I was cut off at this point and missed Fred's interjection and some of what Lil Ricky also didn't help that my Call Waiting was chiming in for my attention).

All in all, I have to say, it was very difficult to say the word "santorum" to him in public without snickering like Beavis and Butthead, "Heheheh...I said 'santorum.'"

You can catch the repeat of this show on PCNC at 4:00 PM.

And if you're interested in signing a petition demanding that Sen. "Man on Dog Action" pay back his Homestead Exemption Tax, go here to download on (and get your friends to sign too!):

Santorum Petition Drive Covered By Pittsburgh City Paper!


  1. How DARE you question our great Seantor. Clearly, you hate this region, this state, and this country.

    I'm calling AG Gonzales.

  2. How DARE you question our great Seantor. Clearly, you hate this region, this state, and this country.

    I'm calling AG Gonzales.

  3. How DARE you question our great Seantor. Clearly, you hate this region, this state, and this country.

    I'm calling AG Gonzales.

  4. As I re-listened to the program, I realize that he actually interrupted me quite a bit more than the above transcript shows. And, I believe he even tried to assure me at first that the young Repugs who were chanting weren't his supporters.

    Maybe the Honsberger is a Liar blog will have a better transcript as I didn't tape the thing and can't write that fast.

  5. Maria,

    Is there any way we can get audio of that conversation up on our website?


  6. I know someone who routinely videotapes the program. I'll ask them if they have a copy and see if they can send you a tape.
