May 19, 2005

Cliche ALERT: Santorum uses Hitler to demonize Democrats!

This afternoon, Rick Santorum, Junior Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania said this during the debate:
Remarkable. Remarkable hubris. I mean, imagine, the rule has been in place for 214 years that this is the way we confirm judges. Broken by the other side two years ago, and the audacity of some members to stand up and say, "How dare you break this rule?"

It's the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 saying, "I'm in Paris. How dare you invade me. How dare you bomb my city? It's mine."

Un-fucking-believable. See for yourself. Senator Santorum in all his glory.


UPDATE: I changed the link - try it out if you had problems with the old one.


  1. Inappropriate comparisons to Hitler and fascism--on both sides of the aisle--has gotten so commomplace it's getting hard to get outraged about it.

  2. Well, he's lying in any case about the "the rule has been in place for 214 years that this is the way we confirm judges" thing. Besides, his statement is so convoluted it leaves one scratching their head more than anything else.

  3. Oh now you get mad about it. Ok, I guess you didn't notice the 2,000,000 comparisons of anyone on the right as a Hitler. What a joke your silly blog really is. The pictures at the top are a real riot.

    Thank a solider that you have the right to rant as you please. By ignoring the obvious and continuous references to anybody that disagrees with the “progressive” agenda as a Nazi you are making yourself a Cliché. A Cliché commenting on a Cliché, modern of you.
