May 2, 2005

Party for Peduto @ the Beehive!

We're big for Bill!

Meet your friends and neighbors at this rally for Bill Peduto.

Come meet Bill and ask him about keeping Pittsburgh a fun, vibrant city or about cutting his own salary.

Hosted By: Mama Spell, Sherrie F, Sean F, Natalia R, Ben R, Chris S, Hot Dogma and Yours Truly (me!)
Where: Beehive Coffeehouse, 1327 E Carson St, Pittsburgh, PA 15203

When: Tuesday, May 10, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

R.S.V.P.: evite

Drink the BEST Coffee!

Eat YUMMY food!

the fabulous South Side!

"But, Maria," you say, "I'm not overly fabulous or fun, I'm just another blogging schlub, like you!"

Then come out and support the BEST candidate for bloggers who wants to create a district wide downtown private wi-fi hotspot.

And, the Beehive is a free wireless wi-fi hotspot, so get out of the house and come blog from there.


  1. Don't use the PA Turnpike !

    Ok so me and a friend go to PA Fri. We go close to Youngstown get on the Ohio Toll Road. Grab the ticket.Get off it cost 50 cents So then we hit PA. There's a woman in the booth who tells us in PA now you pay $2.00 to get on the toll road and then pay $2.00 again when you get off. They did away with the ticket system 8 months ago she claims. Well that sucks . No ticket and $4.00 total when last time I used this road we grabbed a ticket and got off at exit 57 Monroeville total of around $1.50. So anyway we drive all the way to Monroeville and the jerk ask where's your ticket. I'm like what ticket. He's like what ticket you can't get on the PA turnpike without a ticket ! . I'm like Bull the woman took our $2.00 and said you did away with tickets and when we get off here it's another $2.00 to exit. So we go back and forth on this for about 10 MIN'S while some ass behind me is blowing the horn.The woman ( HIS BOSS? ) That's in the booth gets in on it They claim without a ticket it's $21.95 to get off..I refuse to pay. They say ok give us your drivers licence and pull over to parking lot ( in it's self a dangerous thing to do. Like playing dodge-em cars.) and come into the office. So once in the office she gives me a paper to send the money in within 10 days. ( the paper say $20.75 plus $1.00 service charge total $21.75 )She also gives me a complaint form to send with it too. Maybe I'll get my money back. Doubtful. If I don't pay they'll contact Ohio. Highway Robbery. I'll NEVER use the PA turnpike again. If all of you are smart you won't either !

  2. Wow! That's an off-topic rant.

    You HAD to pick a Drinking Liberally night, didn't you?? Oh well, it does sound like fun.

  3. Sorry! I didn't pick the night.
