August 3, 2005

Things That Make You Go "Hmmm."

Sorry for the lack of posts (that aren't events listings), but between having a family member in the hospital and eating a burnt gravy and green-colored roast beef sandwich that I thought was going to send me to the hospital, you could say that this has been a bad week.

Here's something that caught my eye:

You would think that the factions making up the Republican party had been brainwashed by some suicide cult or something given the way they support their leaders no matter how counterproductive their leaders policies are to their supposed goals (fighting terrorism, lowering abortion, lowering taxes, shrinking government... These are ALL things that Democrats have consistently been better at that Republicans magically get to claim as part of their party platform.. I don't understand)!
It's from a Daily KOS diary titled:

Undercover at the National Young Republican Convention

Lots of great photos too!

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