Democracy Has Prevailed.

September 1, 2005

Grover Gets His Wish

Grover Norquist infamously said the following a few years back:

"My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."
And now, Bush's looting of the funds to reinforce New Orleans' levees to give tax cuts to the rich enabled New Orleans to be "drowned in the bathtub."

Congratulations Grover! You win!


Anonymous said...

Stupid Pinkos! Don't you get it? These people are dying precisely because they were depending on the government to do something. If government was minimal, if goverment was the size it's supposed to be, people would have learned to support each other voluntarily through private means. Instead, you liberals have inculcated them with a worldview that causes them to react to a disaster such as this rather than pro-act to it. So you see, this is all the Left's fault. It's because you hate America so much that this happened.

*ahem* Sorry, I was just channeling ol' Grover for a second. It'd be funny if it weren't, as I suspect, EXACTLY what that bearded turd is thinking at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Shawn, you were making some sense there for a moment.

Maria said...

Yes, stop making sense. The infants, elderly and sick who have died should have taken some personal responsibility and not been infants, elderly and sick.

On the other had, if this Administration takes money out of the "fixing the levee" budget to put it into the "damn, we really kinda thought Iraq had WMDs -- except for the times we knew we were lying" budget,there is no personal responsibility there.

It's so simple, really.