October 13, 2005

AOL Poll: Bush in the Crapper

Yes, these kinds of self-selected polls are completely unscientific, but boy, is this one sweet. Besides, his number suck on EVERY poll.

How would you rate President Bush's overall performance?
Poor 73%

Good 10%
Excellent 9%
Fair 7%

Do Bush's poll ratings signal long-term trouble for him?
Yes 75%

No 25%

Which issue do you believe has been the most damaging for him?
War in Iraq 69%

Hurricane Katrina 16%
Rising gas prices 14%

Total Votes: 54,644

(Further down the page)

Which is more to blame for Bush's poll ratings?
Decisions and actions within his control 81%
Circumstances beyond his control 19%
Total Votes: 27,526

Harriet Miers will get confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Fiction 55%

Fact 45%
Total Votes: 23,562

President Bush's approval rating will jump by this time next year.
Fiction 78%

Fact 22%
Total Votes: 24,333

Democrats will win control of Congress in 2006.
Fact 70%
Fiction 30%
Total Votes: 24,498

If you have AOL, you can vote here.


  1. Bush is surely one dude that will never run for president again. If he is reelected in 2008, I will kiss your ass! In the next three years why don't you just bend over and take it like men, Oh you are libs, I forgot.

  2. He may not need to run for reelection but he is currently Kryptonite to the rest of the Republican Party. And he has done this by sheer dint of his own effort.

    As for the bending over, I doubt that yer twiddly ass could force me into that postion. But if yer Freudian-tinged obssessions get the better of you, gimme a time and place and we'll let 'nature' take her course.

  3. Bend over and take it like men? Isn't your side against that sort of thing?
