October 31, 2005

Democracy for Pittsburgh November Meetup

This is the last meetup before the November election and various candidates will be speaking.

Democracy for Pittsburgh is somewhat unique among the local progressive groups because it both endorses candidates and encourages and supports its own members to run for office AND it does service projects such as collect phone cards for wounded vets (matched by Democracy for America); participates in neighborhood clean-ups; as well as lobbying elected officials for better government.

This month, we're back on the South Side (I say "we" because if it isn't obvious already, I'm a member).

Event Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Event Time: 7:00 PM
Venue Name: Mario’s South Side Saloon (upstairs in the back)
Address: 1514 E Carson St
City: Pittsburgh
State: PA
Zip Code: 15203
Phone Number: 412-381-5610

Please R.S.V.P. at:

Some Past Meetups:
August 2005:

Judicial Candidate Kathryn Hens-Greco spoke (not pictured).

April 2005:

Voting on endorsements for May primary.

January 2005:

Candidate Bill Peduto speaks to the group.

Some Past Actions:

Members of Democracy for Pittsburgh and members of Tonya Payne’s campaign staff participated in a Neighborhood Clean Up Day on the North Side.

Ricky’s Redskins let Pennsylvanians attending the Steelers-Eagles game know that Rick Santorum doesn’t represent them, let Santorum know that his days in the Senate are numbered, and let Virginians know that until we get two Senators of our own, we’re claiming their football team!

Democracy for Pittsburgh member, Joy Sabl, discusses Santorum Homestead Tax Exemption issue with District Attorney Stephen Zappala, Jr.

Meeting with Congressman Mike Doyle’s District Director Paul Dellasandro during a National Day of Action to preserve Social Security.

(All photos by yours truly.)

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