October 6, 2005

Events for Thursday and Friday

Point State Park Fountain Runs Bright Pink!
Thursday, Oct 6 2005
10:00 AM
Point State Park

Pennsylvania Commission for Women is turning the Pittsburgh's Point State Park fountain pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month at 10 AM on Thursday, October 6th.

In the past Harrisburg and Philadelphia have done these beautiful and uplifting events. With the support of Pa Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Leslie Stiles, Executive Director of Pa Commission for Women will launch Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Pittsburgh.

Elsie Hillman, Dan Onorato and Peggy Finnegan will also participate as speakers for our Breast Cancer Awareness program. The event will take place in front of Point State Park Fountain.

Darfur Fast and Rally
Thursday, October 6, 12:00 – 2:00
Mellon Square Park (behind William Penn Hotel)
(More in above post)

The Source Magazine's Biko Baker & Showtime's Malia Lazu on Hip Hop and Politics in Pittsburgh!
Friday October 7, 5PM
Space Gallery at 812 Liberty Avenue

Friday October 7, 5:00 PM Static Free will sponsor an evening featuring nationally recognized innovators in urban grassroots politics.

Space Gallery at 812 Liberty Avenue will house this event as part of Static Free and the Out of Town Expert Speaker Series beginning at 5pm on October 7.

These activists don't view the time between elections as "down time," nor the line between art, pop-culture, and politics divisive. Instead, they continue to organize traditionally a-political and disengaged voters—mainly young people and minorities—around issues of importance in their community, using creative and groundbreaking techniques.

The bill includes two nationally recognized organizers Rob "biko" Baker and Malia Lazu.

Rob "biko" Baker, contributing writer to the Source Magazine will talk about:

- Using politicization as a tool for youth civic engagement
- Organizing around issues, taking young people from unengaged residents to
political citizens; with no stopping in between
- The Campaign Against violence in Milwaukee
Malia Lazu runner up on Showtime's American Candidate relaity show will discuss:
- Creating National political agendas out of local issues like: Health Care, Bringing the Troops Home, Local efforts against Walmart
- Cities for Progress
Representatives of two benchmark civic participation initiatives right here in Pittsburgh will also speak;

Khari Mosley, co founder of the PA Hip Hop Politcial Convention and

Luqman Abdul Salaam will discuss his work with The Arts Greenhouse at The Center for the Arts in Society at Carnegie Mellon University .

This event represents efforts by a coalition of Pittsburgh grassroots progressive organizations:
GroundZero Action Network; PittsburghVIE; Everybody Vote; Progress Pittsburgh; Arts Greenhouse; Pittsburgh League of Young Voters.

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