October 3, 2005

I Met Amy Goodman!

I happened to be in Dayton, Ohio this past weekend on a mini-vacation with my SO.

We were staying at the Crowne Plaza downtown finishing a drink in the bar late on Saturday night when the bar started to fill up. It looked like someone was setting up an ad hoc political meeting as we were leaving. A middle-aged guy with a back-pack and a mohawk put up a lawn sign, something about voting down a number of local resolutions.

As we were walking out, I found myself face-to-face (well, almost) with Amy Goodman. I take it she was in town for some sort of rally.

Screwing up all my post-drink courage, I put out my hand and asked, "Excuse me, are you Amy Goodman?"

She answered with a very gracious yes. She had something in her right hand so she shook mine with her left.

I told her I was a big fan - watch her all the time - blah blah blah.

I quickly put two and two together and assumed that she was probably on her way to a sit-down with middle-aged mohawk guy and the other folks clustering around that political lawn sign. So I got out of her way.

I was a blabbering idiot for about 10 seconds, but the important thing to remember here is that I met Amy Goodman!

And my god, she's tiny!

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  1. if she's tiny, why is tiny so big -- i'm so confused

  2. Amy rocks! I bet the middle-aged mohawk guy was jello biafra. What do you think? Maybe not. She interviewed me once when I was protesting in Philly at the RNC 2000. I was thrilled! Now that I live in NYC, I've gotten blase, because I see her all the time, although I don't think she remembers me.

  3. Jello Biafra -- sounds like a reasonable guess to me and I would have been more excited to meet him them her her anyway. lol

    (Though obviously Bush must have heard "kill the poor" and taken it seriously.)
