October 6, 2005

More bad news for Rick Santorum

Via the P-G, the AP is reporting:
Pennsylvania State Treasurer Bob Casey Jr.'s lead over Sen. Rick Santorum grew slightly greater in a poll released today.

The Quinnipiac University poll of 1,530 Pennsylvania voters showed Casey leading the two-term incumbent by 52 to 34 percent -- an 18 point lead -- in his 2006 bid. That compares to a 50-to-39 percent lead in July by the same pollster.

"He's in trouble in this race," said Clay Richards, assistant director of the Hamden, Conn., university's polling institute. "He has suffered a lot of bad PR in the last two months. That, plus the president's weakening support in Pennsylvania have combined to give him some real bad numbers."

Those polled disapproved 61-to-37 percent of the job President Bush is doing, his lowest score on the poll, down from a 53-to-44 percent disapproval in July.
Did I read that last paragraph right?

Of those polled, 61% disapprove of what Bush is doing?


1 comment:

  1. Let's just hope those numbers can last until next November.
