January 12, 2006

The Crying Game

From Wolcott:
If Alito is confirmed, Mrs. Alito and Judge Clarence Thomas's wife can commisserate by exchanging monogrammed crying towels as their men folk roll back women's rights and civil liberties and go duck hunting weekends with Scalia.


  1. So much for the duck's rights ...

  2. So in other words, you condone the outrageous behavior as demonstrated by the Democrats. Their absolute imbecilic actions are just plain "ok" and completely justifiable to you, aren't they?

    Whenever you Democrats feel threatened, you *always* play, "there goes the black rights/women's rights" card. Each and every single god forsaken time. An open book read, you are. :)

  3. Perhaps you missed the Right's love fest towards Harriet Miers? LOL


    Oh and than there was their accusations that Hillary killed Vince Foster over their "love affair" despite the insistence that she was also a lesbian.

    You guys crack me up.

    The only black rights/women's rights card is the one that Alito holds. The one he plays the 85% of the time he sided with corporations and the government over the little guy -- that's the only time this guy was a minority. He held the minority opinion in so many egregious cases against regular folk.

    And, excuse me but are you trying to say he wouldn't overturn Roe V. Wade if given the chance?

  4. I've noticed that you've completely ignored this:

    "So in other words, you condone the outrageous behavior as demonstrated by the Democrats. Their absolute imbecilic actions are just plain "ok" and completely justifiable to you, aren't they?"

    Oh well, I should of known you would...actually I did know you would. And the truth of the matter is: You liberals and Democrats DO play the "there goes your rights" card, EACH and EVERY single time you feel "threatened." Of course, the term "threatened" in here means anything that you deem a threat to your political agendas and views.
    It just DOES NOT matter to you how hurt his wife was, and how she must of felt as she sat there and listened to these Democrats put horrible, evil words and beliefs into the mouth of her husband. Being compassionate, caring liberals who believe in diversity and loving your fellow Americans, I surely thought you would of at the very least saw eye to eye with me on that -- I guess I was wrong. My bad.

    And then you say this:

    "And, excuse me but are you trying to say he wouldn't overturn Roe V. Wade if given the chance?"

    My answer to you: Obviously, you're saying that he would.

    Just another liberal who believes in slaying innocent, unborn babies, right? heh, that's your problem.

    Again, my quote still stands, and stands true:

    "Liberalism = where the facts make you turn your head the other way and cough"

  5. Braden;

    When you wrote:

    "Just another liberal who believes in slaying innocent, unborn babies, right? heh, that's your problem."

    you explained everything we need to know about you.

    It's getting late, you better take your meds.

  6. You say it's late for my meds? Fine. Then I say you're late for your lessons in human morales, standards, and respect of human life. :)

    Your statement *right there* does indeed sum up all there is to know about your so called political party who supposedly adheres to a loving, compassionate, caring, diversity-believing philosophy. *smile* G'day.
