January 4, 2006

Democracy for Pittsburgh Meetup is Tonight!

Candidates speaking at tonight's meetup include:

CHUCK PENNACCHIO - candiate for US Senate!

VALERIE MCDONALD ROBERTS - candidate for Lt. Governor!

WILLIAM ANDERSON - candidate for State House District 24!

PAT SWEENEY - candidate for PGH City Council!

Also, our special guest is DAN FRANKEL to discuss efforts to get some good Democrats to run against currently unopposed incumbent Republicans!

Event Title: Monthly Meetup
Event Type: DFA-Link Meeting
Organized by: Democracy for Pittsburgh
Event Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Event Time: 7:00 PM
Venue Name: Mario’s South Side Saloon (upstairs)
Address: 1514 E Carson St
City: Pittsburgh
State: PA
Zip Code: 15203
Google Maps
Phone Number: 412-381-5610

You can R.S.V.P here.

And remember, if you haven't attended a meeting in either November or December, you NEED to attend tonight's meeting in order to qualify to vote for endorsments in February!

1 comment:

  1. ANd of course, I now have to work Wednsday nights! Say hi to Chuck for me Maria!
