January 12, 2006

Jim Quinn Update

Hey take a look at what I found at the Wikipedia! Looks like our terrorist friend is more of a kook than we thought. The whole entry is a must read, but here are some highlights from the wing-nut brain of Jim Quinn:
On his morning show, Quinn discussed various conspiracy theories during the Clinton administration, including statements alleging Clinton to be a murderer, rapist and traitor. He claimed Bill Clinton had murdered or arranged to be murdered many people throughout his life, was a serial rapist and had sold secret intelligence information to the Chinese government, typically referred to as Chinagate. In the lead up to the 2000 U.S. presidential election, he claimed that Clinton would enact martial law and remain as president indefinitely.
Wow, did Jim Quinn really say all that? Is there anything in there that's even close to being correct? Did I miss the Clinton martial law thing? And with all the money spent investigating Oval Office blowjobs, you'd think that there would've been some mention of the all that presidential murdering and serial raping.

Wikipedia bills itself as a "free encyclopedia" that anyone can edit. So if there are errors in the above, please let the wikipedia know. In the meantime, shouldn't someone sit Quinn down and remind him that in order for them to be of any help, he has to take his meds every day.

One last thing from the Wikipedia:
Before beginning his political morning show, Quinn spent a number of years as a morning disc jockey, most notably "The Quinn and Banana Show" on B-94 FM, which ran in Pittsburgh, PA, from the early until the late 1980's. While performing a skit for that show, he and his on-air partner "Bananna Don" were sued for Sexual harassment for their antics, which were somewhat comparable to those of Howard Stern. Shortly thereafter, his FM Morning Show was cancelled. Quinn largely credits his experiences regarding this lawsuit as "opening his eyes" in his conversion to Conservatism.
Ah. Well, that explains alot doesn't it.

So if what they say at the Wikipedia is true, not only is Jim Quinn a well-armed terrorist nut-job, he's an frighteningly unbalanced misogynistic well-armed terrorist nut-job.



  1. this must be the place where a friend of mine gets his info! he has faithfully repeated everything that quinn has said almost word for word. he also keeps insisting that the government has found prayer rugs and Korans in the dessert here, proof he says that terrorists are sneaking across the mexican border!!!

  2. I suspect, just suspect, that Quinn only believes about 1/2 of what he says. The man's a cynic at heart, I think. I remember hearing stories about him selling 'Y2K survival kits' over the air during his days @ 96.9. He knows his audience, S.O.B.s (Sons of Birch) that they are, want to, nay, need to, give themselves a good scare, and so he provides them with some left-wing boogeyman hiding around every corner. It's almost funny.

  3. heh, Shawn sits there and spews out that sort of nonsense. And yet, he finds it funny. I'd like to see how funny he finds it if this country were to get hit by another terrorist attack again, especially when it's people like those who run this site who make it increasingly difficult for the President of the United States to secure this great nation of ours against terrorists. I can hear and see all of your whining now, if (God forbid) it ever were to happen again. Amusing indeed.

  4. Clinton to be a murderer, rapist and traitor. He claimed Bill Clinton had murdered or arranged to be murdered many people throughout his life, was a serial rapist and had sold secret intelligence information to the Chinese government

    Yea, what's your point? Its all true.

  5. You should take somethings from Quinn with a grain of salt and then seek to verify what he has been claiming. There have been many times that he has been flat out wrong. On the other hand, Internet searches of his stories have been found out to have a basis in fact. He is one of the Democrats worst nightmares and makes a lot more sense than what I have heard from left wing conspiracies.
