January 13, 2006

Kraus calls for "Grant Street politicians to keep hands off of the District Three Council Race"

I just saw this press release which was forwarded to a list that I'm on and I've found out that it has also appeared in the Press Releases section of PoliticsPA:

District Three City Council Candidate Bruce A. Kraus today called for "Grant Street politicians to keep hands off of the District Three Council Race." - 1/12/2006

District Three City Council Candidate Bruce A. Kraus today called for "Grant Street politicians to keep hands off of the District Three Council Race." At a press conference this morning called by Council President Luke Ravenstahl to address the student voter dissatisfaction with the March 7th date set for the special election to replace the seat formerly held by Gene Ricciardi, Ravehstahl was asked by a reporter it there was truth to the speculation that the date had been set to preference a particular candidate, namely Jeff Koch. Mr. Ravenstahl, denied having endorsed any candidate in the race.

"It is no secret," Bruce A. Kraus said, "that Kevin Quigley, Chief Of Staff to Mayor Bob O'Connor, is working closely with Mr. Koch in an advisory capacity." Mr. Kraus also added that "Terry Matusak, a close personal friend and confidant to Mayor O'Connor is actively assisting Mr. Koch in his campaign."

Mr. Kraus also questioned why Mr. Koch, a public works foreman for over 20 years now, recently had his work schedule changed from a three till eleven shift, to eleven till seven. "This graveyard shift is usually reserved for new employees with little or no seniority," Mr. Kraus said.

"And now the controversy surrounding the selection of the date to hold the special election has me asking very serious questions about the influence of Grant Street in this District Three Council Race. If the date was intentionally set to keep students who are especially strong in the South Side flats area and Oakland, from voting in this race, in turn benefiting turnout for Mr. Koch, we the residents of District Three deserve to know."

It is widely thought that Jeff Koch, a long time Arlington resident would not have a strong voter base in the South Side flats and Oakland area where large pockets of students reside.
Those of you who read Fester's Place already saw something like this alluded to in the comments section of a post there on Wednesday:

At 1:12 PM, January 11, 2006, PtBreeze said...

Is there some kind of conspiracy to have a of city council and council staff made up entirely of former public works employees.
On that same day, Koch was quoted in the Post-Gazette saying the following about the date of the special election:

Another candidate, Democrat Jeffrey Koch, said it "doesn't matter" to him when the election is held.

"The more [voters], the merrier," Mr. Koch said.
I have to say that google doesn't turn up a heck of a lot on Koch. And, I'm unable to find a website for him.

However, the Progress Pittsburgh website gives anyone the opportunity to post about candidates. This was posted anonymously about Koch (FYI: many of the entries there are posted anonymously):

jeff is an excellent candidate for dist 3 he sits on the citys pension board and has been a city employee for many years. jeff works in dist 3 lived here his entire life ,his parents were alsoborn and have livrd in dist 3 their entire lives.i have knowen jeff 40yrs he is HONEST,fair ,hardworking and one of the most upstanding members of our community.he has my full support and should be reconized by progresspittsburgh.
Bruce Kraus' website is: http://bruce4council.com


Hey, Kraus, Koch, or any other candidates for Pittsburgh City Council District Three:

Feel free to directly send me any press releases or on-the-record comments that you have on this race (

(AND, I'll be voting in this election!)


1 comment:

  1. Keep watching my blog. You can even subscribe to a feed or get it emailed to you as there are updates.

    My press releases include last weeks one about the Penguins and Campaign Finance Reform.


    Bruce Krause says to the others on council, -- neb out. Ha. What a joke. He is so out of touch with solutions that he does not want scrutiny. I say to council members and others from throughout the region -- tune in!

    Krause wants to move Zone 3 police station to Mt. Oliver, outside of the city. Duhh...

    Krause is good for getting seniors cake at the rec cetners -- but they really want ice cream. Duhh....

    Krause messed up what he's touched except lifting tires off the hillside. Permit parking, strike. Graffitti, strike two, zone 3 police station, strike. He is over reaching on things that he can't control. He is not reaching to areas where he should have sway. He just doesn't get it. He would be very bad for the city -- and I don't think he wins, despite his claims, the Ds endorsement.
