January 4, 2006

The man who drives Rethugs and the MSM insane

From Media Matters:
During a discussion of potential 2008 presidential candidates on the January 1 broadcast of NBC's Meet the Press, Newsweek managing editor Jon Meacham referred to Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) as "a sane Howard Dean, basically." Dean ran for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination and currently serves as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Meanwhile, despite all the SPIN on Dean's competency/worth to the Party, Hotline on Call reports:
The Democratic National Committee raised more than $51M in 2005, a record for an off-year and twenty percent higher than the comparable period in 2003.

Oh, and KOS reports:
I forgot to mention -- when Dean goes on fundraising trips to the states he lets the locals keep the money. He's raising money for the state parties, which isn't reflected in these numbers. The state parties love him for it. In the past, people like McAuliffe would come in and vaccum up money from the locals and send it to DC. This makes these numbers all that much more remarkable.
It also helps explain why Dean is so scary to the MSM and big money donors.

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