February 28, 2006

Democracy for Pittsburgh March Meetup on Wednesday

REAL VOTING REFORM / END THE WAR are two of the issues that Democracy for Pittsburgh will be working on at their March 1st meeting.


Richard King from PA-Verified Voting will be speaking on the importance of supporting the passage of SB977 and what DfPgh can do to help this effort.

If we can't get our votes counted right, WE'RE ALL WASTING OUR TIME!


Plans will be made for DfPgh's participation in the March 18th (Merton Center sponsored) Anti-War March & Rally.

R.S.V.P. at:

DfP Meetup Info:
Wednesday March 1, 2006
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Location: Mario's South Side Saloon
Street: 1514 E Carson St (upstairs)
City, State, Zip: Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Phone: 412-381-5610


  1. Totally sweet!!!!!!! I'm in, I'll see all of you beautiful souls at the staging area. I'm bringing a thermos full of Chai Tea! Love a good rally --a great opportunity to smoke a little weed and score some liberal tail.

  2. RSVP me for your Socialist Worker's Party rally - I'll bring my Che Gueverra for President poster and "Head for the Mountains - Bush" bumper stickers. Enjoy your meaningless lives, Dumbocrats.
