March 6, 2006

Bruce A. Kraus for City Council

You may have noticed a new ad on the right of this blog. It's a free ad for Bruce A. Kraus who is running in the special election on March 14th for City Council in Pittsburgh's third district.

Consider the ad and this post as my own endorsement for Kraus.

But don't just take my word for Bruce A. Kraus being the best person for the job. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette called him "the best choice in the city's special election."
The Post-Gazette states that:

But if the voters of District 3 are bewildered by so many names, they need remember only one. Bruce A. Kraus is an articulate, intelligent advocate for his community. He would bring a balanced package of skills, views and values to public service.

The self-employed owner of an interior design firm, Mr. Kraus engages his city both as a resident and as a businessman (he's president of the South Side Chamber of Commerce). Although a registered Democrat, he did not receive the party hierarchy's nomination. That's a good thing, though, which should afford him some independence on Grant Street, like that of Councilman Bill Peduto, who is supporting him in the race.

And, as Lou of Lou's List put it when describing the endorsement of Kraus by a caucus of local progressives from a broad array of groups:
But in the end, Bruce Kraus won a strong consensus among the group. Kraus offers the strongest background of community involvement of any candidate, has reached out to all neighborhoods of District 3 during his campaign, and offered the most professional and engaging presentation. In my opinion, he is the candidate most able to gain the widespread support necessary to defeat the committee-endorsed candidate and to be a strong proponent of necessary change.

If you're at all interested in having a more independent vote on City Council -- one that is not machine-driven -- and one that will be a plus for the city no matter what district you live in, please help support Bruce A. Kraus

You can contact his campaign here, or email me at to help.

You can also attend a fundraiser tonight (I'm heading over there right now):

Support BRUCE A. KRAUS For City Council
Folino’s Restaurant
1717 East Carson Street
Monday, March 6
6 to 9 p.m.
• Complementary Glass of Wine
• Complementary Hor’dourve Table
Cash Bar Will Be Available
Donation: $25.00

1 comment:

  1. I know Bruce and I would vote for him. He is not only a nice guy, but dedicated to improving the city just as he has done is own home and life.
