March 13, 2006

People who piss me off

...And those who don't

MAJORLY: Kate Michelman

This former president of NARAL Pro-Choice America first floated rumors that she would run as an independent against Bob "Women Have No Choice" Casey, Jr. Then she actually declared that she would run against Bob "You Best Believe I'm As Bad As My Dad" Casey, Jr. And now, she has endorsed Bob "I Got You Bitches By the Balls...Errr...Ovaries" Casey, Jr.

Michelman states in her Philadelphia Inquirer editorial:
"It's also about controlling the Senate and stopping future Alito confirmations."
Even though Bob "I Kiss Alito's Ass" Casey, Jr. endorsed Alito.

I don't have a problem with Michelman dropping out so much as I do have a problem with Michelman ENDORSING Bob "Fuck NARAL" Casey, Jr.:
"Despite profound and fundamental differences, I have decided that Pennsylvania will be better served by electing Bob Casey to the U.S. Senate than giving his opponent another term. I do this knowing that I may forever regret not responding one more time to the clarion call of principle."
What could have Michelman done instead?

She could have remembered that there is a primary and actually endorsed a pro-choice candidate:
Chuck Pennacchio
If everyone who cares about reproductive freedoms, or women's health issues, or a Constitutional right to privacy would stop saying "Chuck can't win" and actually support Chuck (and that includes, you, Markos), he could win.


First he's running against Santorum and then he's not. Then he's running for Lt. Governor, then he's not. Joe, I supported your run against Specter, but just who runs you? I had already got pissed off at you at a PA statewide Democracy for America meeting when you turned your lunch speech into an endorsement of Bob "The State Owns Your Uterus" Casey, Jr. My respect dropped further when you started up you little Joe & Friends website (already taken down) to further play the good (whipping) boy. And, now you just look desperate every time you run at the sound of HMV (M=Rendell).

Thank goodness there is someone in this race who is progressive who's not afraid to run:
Valerie McDonald Roberts
Valerie is like the Anti-Swann: someone with actual experience in making government better, who has a record of being good for women, gays, African Americans, and those who don't make enough to be Republicans.

MINOR LEAGUE: Neal Andrus' Campaigners

OK, OK. I get that you're for Neal Andrus for City Council. I thought it was kind of funny or cute or something when you stuck your little 1/4 page flyer in my storm door under my BIG sign for:
Bruce A. Kraus
But going back and actually taping another one to my door is a no-no. I've done a lot of canvassing and lit dropping and I've never taped anything to anyone's house. And taping it to a house that is already displaying two large signs for another candidate is just wasteful and desperate.

Ack! Speaking of the special election tomorrow: I just got robo-called by Bobby O on behalf of Koch! Anyone out there that still thinks that Koch isn't Bobby's boy?


  1. You obviously have nothing to do with the real estate industry because the suggestion that Valerie has made things better in the Recorder of Deeds office would be funny if she hadn't cost us all so much money and aggravation.

    She runs the worst office on Grant Street and that says something.

  2. it may be the worst for a special interest group like the real estate industry but she has greatly improved access to info for the general public.

  3. And apparently the first anonymous poster is unaware that she is not currently running any office on Grant St.
